
I quit smoking on CHAMPIX?

by  |  earlier

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hi!!! so i started on the champix and started to smoke less just after a week. now i am starting my 3 'd week and i havnt smoked in 3 days. im really exited about this. the only thing that sucks is that i get estremely sick at night. my muscles hurt, my head hurts and my stomach feels very uneasy. so my question is... has anyone else used champix to quit? did it work? did u have side effects as well?




  1. I got nauseous, usually after I took the pills. I suggest you call your doctor -- he may be able to prescribe something to reduce the nausea, and maybe the other symptoms as well, which could be coming from the Champix but could also be symptoms of nicotine withdrawal (in which case they'll probably go away in a few days).

    Oh, and it did work -- not 100% in my case, but I'd practically stopped by the end of the regimen and I was then able to quit completely. You're ahead of where I was so I'm guessing you'll do just fine.

  2. I haven't ever used Champ ix but is sounds like you're having a bad side effect.  You need blood work done.  Some times medication can do things like lower your potassium in your blood ie causing muscle cramping.  CONGRATS on quitting!!!!, I guess I should try this stuff.  Take care.

  3. I am 38 and started smoking when i was 16, i quit smoking with the help of Jesus Christ. He took all my cravings away and i have never had any aches or pains. many times i tried to quit on my own and it didn't work. I give you props on your three days of freedom from that nasty habit, three day is great you are really on your way. just don't get hooked on this champix, i am also free from all kinds of drugs now i have been clean going on 5&1/2 years from everything, as with any addiction you are going to have withdraws, (pains and so on). i thank God i didn't have to go through them, good luck and i wish you the best. If Jesus did for me He can do it for you.

  4. Some people need a few weeks for Chantix to work best. 3. Take Chantix after eating and with a full glass (8 ounces) of water. 4. Most people will keep taking Chantix for up to 12 weeks.

    Some patients have reported changes in behavior, agitation, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions when attempting to quit smoking while taking CHANTIX or after stopping CHANTIX.

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