
I quit smoking weed?

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I quit smoking weed about 2 weeks ago I was a "stoner" for a few years but I would say in the last 8 months that was pretty much my life, everything revolved around what weed I had, getting more, selling some, and music. (I Also did a small amount of pure MDMA a few days before I stopped smoking, not alot but enough to definitaley feel it) anyways I felt great the first few days of stopping and still haven't really had any desire to smoke again, but yet ever since a few days ago, I feel very different like nothing is the same, I dont like the music I liked much at all and I don't really find anything enjoyable. I sit and think all day why I am like this (was it the mdma, was it the weeed, do i have problems) and I just dont feel the same and nothing is normal. I kind of miss the way I used to feel, and from time to time in the day I will all of a sudden feel normal for a short while. Will i feel normal again? I feel like I'm acting on pure instincts and emotionless?? Please help




  1. Your body is probably adjusting to going back to your pre-smoking form.  I would say give it a month or two or three (the weed is still in your system and will be for a while since you smoked so much) and then see how you feel. You can talk to your doctor about it. They won't get you in trouble. Don't go back to smoking, that is the last thing you wanna do. Try listening to different music. It also could be the MDMA. Drugs (of any form even alcohol) seriously mess with your body chemistry and you need time to get everything back to normal. Just hang in there. It will be ok.

  2. Weed is like butter, and normal life is like toast. Plain toast aint bad, but if you add butter it just makes it that much better. Butter is not the greatest thing for you, but it certaintly aint the worst.

    i love answering questions when im high, cause i come up with answers like that lol................i am not sure if that makes sense

  3. It is most likely your body getting rid of the THC and even though you may not be, your Body may be craving more THC. give it a week or two and if it doesnt stop, i would consult a docttor for further questioning and testing. You could be developing a type of depression from the lack of THC your body is used to.

  4. Hear me out on this one. Dont listen to those people who just want to bash pot smokers. When I was smoking pot it was one of the most beautiful and creatively charged epochs of my life. I smoked a joint a day for two years and it was hella hard to quit, but I knew i had to for my job. Every time you crave pot, do some deep breathing. Try using the same pattern of breathing you use when you toke. Big breath, Hold it, release it slowly. It helps. Trust me. It helps. After a couple of months the empty feeling will go away. The breathing exercises really helped me through. I also picked up a new hobby to fill the void left in my schedule. That also helped me keep my mind of smoking.

  5. this is normal for exe-potheads.

    You're just so used to being hi all the time that its different being sober. The music you listen to is the music you listened to when you smoked. try finding a new genre of music that suits you. Try finding new things to. meet new people. Go on a date. Start exercising a lot. You will lose some of those munchies pounds;) You will come to find that being sober can be just as fun as being high. That's why I only smoke occasionally. I don't make it an everyday thing. I get the best of both worlds

  6. i'm not sure but i have noticed that everyone who has started or stopped smoking weed there taste in music always changes so that might actually be normal

  7. you're going through a sort of withdrawl period. for about a month nothing will be very much fun, but after that you'll be fine. its called anhedonia. try exercising. it helps.

  8. it was weed dude... people say it doesn't mess you up but i have been smoking for a number of months and i cant stop. when i do i go crazy. I dont know what to do with my time. I get bored because when ever i had nothing to do i would smoke. The best way to get over that feeling is to find something that you enjoy just as much as you did weed.  It has to be something that will occupy most of you time.  hang out with friends. party. school.......... anything that will keep you concentrated.
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