I quit smoking weed about 2 weeks ago I was a "stoner" for a few years but I would say in the last 8 months that was pretty much my life, everything revolved around what weed I had, getting more, selling some, and music. (I Also did a small amount of pure MDMA a few days before I stopped smoking, not alot but enough to definitaley feel it) anyways I felt great the first few days of stopping and still haven't really had any desire to smoke again, but yet ever since a few days ago, I feel very different like nothing is the same, I dont like the music I liked much at all and I don't really find anything enjoyable. I sit and think all day why I am like this (was it the mdma, was it the weeed, do i have problems) and I just dont feel the same and nothing is normal. I kind of miss the way I used to feel, and from time to time in the day I will all of a sudden feel normal for a short while. Will i feel normal again? I feel like I'm acting on pure instincts and emotionless?? Please help