
I"M SO SCARED!! NIU shooting, close to home?

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my house is only 25 minutes away! I'm a college student too! I can't deal with these shootings anymore!!! AM I gonna die or get kileld??




  1. Calm down dude. It's a sad reality but it's life. It's not like they are able to kill that many people though. The police are there for a reason. If your still insecure just get a concealed weapons permit. That way if some lunatic comes running you don't have to be scared.

  2. I think you are posting on homeschooling because you are wanting some reassuring?  As a parent, I want you to know that you are loved and you are relatively safe.  If you feel extremely overwhelmed by fear and anxiety, then call the student union director or the campus counselor for advice, counseling or possible a leave of absence to be with family at this time.

    So many things happen so fast in this day and age, and the media hypes things up.  But that does not mean that this isn't a valid feeling.  

    Get involved with a local church youth group or call a local minister.  You don't have to be a member to get some sound advice and some TLC.  There are many parents out here that have all you college students in our prayers.  Your days on campus are so different than that when I was a college student 20 yrs ago.  I don't envy you, but I can empathize that your days might seem a bit over the top at times.  

    Take your life one day at a time.  And that day as one moment at a time.  Don't worry about tomorrow or next week, you can do anything about that.  

    And don't fly off and get a gun.  Statitistically, you'll hurt yourself or a loved one more than you would an intruder or attacker with it.  Those with handguns/concealed weapons are at a higher rate of shooting an innocent victim than anyone else.

    You are in our prayers.

  3. You should not let these people scare you. I understand that this is very real for you, but you need to still go to school. Also, speak to your teacher about safety and security features and develop an exit plan in case a shooter comes to your school. Do not hide because of these happenings. It will only hurt you!

  4. You are in shock right now and for a good reason. There will be support groups available at school for this. You need to find one to help you with this. If you don't deal with your emotions professionally, this can turn into post traumatic stress syndrome and affect your lifestyle (relationships,sleeplessness, nervousness, etc.) Please seek out counceling, there are others out there going thru the same reactions - you are not alone.

  5. I know how you feel. I  live near the shooting thta happened at Louisiana tech this week. Chances are slim anything like that will happen to you but I have to ask when there are 5 school shootings in one week where is this nation going?

  6. what's this got to do with homeschooling?

    thanks for the 2 points anyway.

  7. Babe, you could be struck by a speeding bus, taken out be a sneaky tumor, or die from eating bad shellfish. No one gets out of life alive. Don't let that stop you from loving every moment you have on earth. By all means be cautious and aware of your surroundings, but don't waste any energy being afraid. I often wonder if men could live one day as a woman. Every bathroom at the university I went to had the number for rape crisis hot-lines because so many girls were raped on and around campus. One semester, there was a guy who liked to slice up the girl's faces with a box cutter. As women, we never walk through a dark parking lot or to a night class without it occurring to us that this time the girl needing that number could be us. If that won't stop us, why should a couple shootings stop you? Show some ovarian fortitude and go to class!

    Heck, I'm not going to stop shopping and there have been two mall shootings recently. They'll stop me from shopping when they pry the plastic from my cold, dead hands and not one moment before.

  8. If you're really scared you should go home for awhile...just be around people you love right now, cuz they're probably missing you and needing you around them right now...that would probably be the best thing to do because that is really scary...

  9. You are in shock right now because it happened so close, but people get shot everywhere, its just these stories are (not saying its wrong in any way) put out there more by the media, attention grabbers.

    All I'll say is yea, its a scary thought to know that happened right up the road from you, but you gotta live your life and not fear that because you could get hurt doing anything you do during your normal day.

    Dont let anything rule you, such as a fear.

  10. okay, it really doesnt matter that its 25 mins away man, there is probally a psychopath under 5 mins away from you so dont get your panties in a bunch and worry about **** that might or might not happen if it happens then your boned, if not then you have stressed out about absoulutly nothing. You can walk out of your house t-mo and get hit by a car and die, Death is inevedable and can happen at any moment so dont fret on something that is almost certain not to happen ............I mean it is very rare my friend

  11. Have you ever read Gavin DeBecker's Gift of Fear.?

    He is an expert in security and violence. I suggest when you have calmed down and are ready do so  to feel empowered.

    His theory is that everyone has an internal biological protection system.  And through stories and strategies explains how people diagnosis and react accordingly. His basic premise listen to your innate instinct for self preservation to increase your chance of survival no matter what you face.

    I am certain this is scary for you college is not what it used to be. Shame. But do all you can to increase your self esteem/hone your skills for self preservation.

    If you need to not be on a formal campus due to your anxiety I suggest looking into online courses/programs for some time.

    Good luck

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