
I"M finding it hard to deal with ..Lung cancer ..I just found out I have it .I feel like I failed?

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I want everyone to leave me even my husband for 27 years we been together I want him gone ..I don't know if I want to have the surgery I"m 63 and at my end time have to face this battle I feel so lost




  1. I'm so sorry about this. I'm only 22 and i have Myelogenous leukemia. And i decided i wanted to die, i've tried to fight it loads of times. But it just isn't working. Don't give up!

  2. It tends to come as a bit of a shock when our doctors say to us "you have cancer", and the way you are currently feeling is a fairly typical reaction.  Mention the fact you feel this way to your doctor, he/she can certainly help, or give you the tools to help yourself, stop feeling this way... You have certainly not "failed", and 63 is way too young to just give up on everything!

    You also need to step back a moment (easy for me to say, I know) and realize that inside you obviously haven't "given up", or you would never have posted your just feel overwhelmed, and with good reason.

    Never forget that you are surrounded by people about a quarter of whom have dealt with (or are currently dealing with) cancer, too.  Talking with other people who have already been where you are is the best way to move forward.

    And what do you know? So MANY people have been where you are now there's a whole organization called the Lungevity Foundation that's there just to help you!

    (Don't abandon your husband....he wouldn't still be with you after 27 years unless he either loves you very much, or is a very, very, very lazy man!)

  3. First order of business...  ask your docs to refer you to a psychologist and a support group.  They can help you deal with this in a healthy way regardless of which medical route you choose.

    As far as deciding to pursue treatment or not....  You need to do a lot of research.  Get the official diagnosis from your doc (the official scientific sounding name) and research.  Get a brand new note book.  Write down everything.  Write down what your docs say, write down what you find out in research, write down your questions.  Make sure you have this when you talk to your docs so you dont forget any questions, and remember there is no such thing as a stupid question.  Knowledge is power.  Knowledge gives choices.

    You may want to bring a voice recorder or laptop and cam to the apt so you can record it and refer back.  

    Second opinions are always good.  Your doc wont be offended, I promise.  In fact, I bet they will even support you in getting a second opinion.

    Why do you want even your husband to leave you?  Are you embarrased or ashamed?  You should NOT be.  This is a difficult journey, but this is the person you have spent your life with, the person who cares about you the most.  I cant change your mind if its what you really want, but I encourage you to look at the real reasons you want that.

  4. you need to hang on to those that love you. Do you have a cancer suport group in your area?  get hooked up it will help.

  5. I just had a tumor and half of my left lung removed. Tests show there is no more cancer in me. Organs are clean and lymph nodes are good. My doctor wants me to have a few rounds of chemotherapy just in case there was a stray cancer cell that got away. With that said...

    There are many types of cancer and many ways to deal with it. Your diagnosis is not a death sentence. Listen to your doctor and family. You are still a young 63! Good luck.

  6. it is a normal reaction you are feeling you know.  it will pass in a short time...meanwhile, do try to think is not your "fault", it just a great many are not alone in your diagnosis, lung cancer has afflicted literally hundreds of thousands.  I would suggest you put your focus into your available options for treatment and do your best to stop feeling sorry for yourself.  I know it isn't easy...but you can do this.

  7. My most sincere regards. Please read a personal experience of a close friend on mine. Forget the XanGo pitch. Just read. I don't know if it can help you, but I believe it helped my friend. Thats why we use it and sell it today. Our Son also battles for his life against CF. We feel the product makes a difference. Our web site is  you can contact me directly there if you would like any information.

    Best wishes


  8. I don't think it's about anyone's fault. Nor about lost and victory. You still need everyone around you incase you need any help.

    But anyone who is to conquer this tragedy is yourself. So suckle up and be strong.

    Don't worry, you will eventually get better once your mood change =]


  9. God is there for you and he will never leave you. Believe with all your heart that God can heal you. He will.

    I was healed from lung cancer and I know several people that have been healed by fasting, praying and believing.

    God still heals the sick. Don't give up or give in to Satan's lies.

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