
I"m 16 and I like a 14 yr. old dude! Is that weird...?

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He acts and looks much older. And I look like I'm 14 years old. Do you think that is weird?




  1. No.

  2. do what your heart tells you to

    or what you fell you want to do

  3. Well, when I was 16 I liked a 15 year old. I was in 11th grade and he was in 10th. He is now my husband haha.

    It doesn't matter, better to like a guy 2 years younger than 2 years older at your age...

  4. No not really. Age is just a number.

  5. its not a big deal its only 2 years

  6. There is nothing wrong with liking someone who is younger than you. I went out with someone who was two years below me and do I worry, of course not. I wouldn't worry what people say, if you like this person then theres nothing weird about it.

  7. No, it's only 2 years. My boyfriend is 14 years older than me and contrary to popular disgust, we're a great match. However, we're not teenagers. I wouldn't suggest that age gap now.

  8. NO! Not at all. I know a girl whos a junior & going out with a greshman & another girl whos going out with someone in middle school.

    Im almost 2 years (2 years for some people) older than everybody else in my grade. If i wanted to go out with a guy in my own garde he would be a lot younger than me.

    Dont worry about! Its very common!


  9. Well as long as he does act and look like a 14 year old, it's okay.

    If he's in middle school.....that's just not cool.....

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