
I"m REALLY afraid to grab/hold my own rat!? The only thing im afraid of is his teeth though! HELP PLEASE!

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I have a dumbo rat, and I took the advice of what I got yesterday on the internet, but his big yellow teeth scare me SO much, I'm thirteen and i wanna hold him and watch t.v. with him, he is going to be one year old in November so he's not old. Is there some way I can get his teeth down and not sharp so it doesn't do anything when he bites? Also, any holding him tips?!

Thanks SO much.!




  1. I have gotten bit by some rodents before and it doesn't hurt much, it's just a nip. To keep his teeth down, give him lots of chewable toys, but remember, they will never disappear! To hold him, just hold your hands out in the cage. Let him get comfortable with your hands, and if he crawls in, just gently scoop him up. The first few times don't hold him too much, just let him stay in your hands, then you can loosely put your hand around him. If he bites, just put him back in the cage.

  2. He should have chew toys. His teeth will never stop growing, so he need things that he can chew on to grind down his own teeth. As far as holding him, it is important to be patient. First, just put your hand in his cage and let him come and sniff you and get comfortable with you. Then, put food in your hand, let him take it from your hand. He may even step into your hand to get the food. Allow him to sit in your hand and eat. Once he is comfortable with you, he really shouldn't ever bit you unless he gets scared. I really can't help you not to be afraid of him, just keep in mind that he is small and really won't be able to do any real damage to you. Also, why did you get a rat if you are afraid of them? (i'm not being rude, i really am curious)

  3. wear rubber gloves

  4. the need to naw on things to grind there teeth down otherwise they can hurt themselves but wood toys to stick in there.. they can eat anything poeple food dog food so wen your eating stuff take off a piece and stick it in there for him. hold it to his cage and dont let go till he grabs it itll help you realize he doesnt wanna bite. put popsicle sticks in there watever u want no plastic or metal though.just hold him he wont bite you. the longer u dont the more unknowing of peopl he will bcome

  5. There is nothing you can do. The bottom teeth are supposed to be 1/2 inch and the top 1/4 inch, they are long naturally. Even if they were tiny, they'd still hurt like h**l when they bite, take it from a person who's been bit by a mouse. Good thing rats rarely bite.

    Rats don't need to wear their teeth down by chewing. They grind their teeth on their own. If they are especially comfortable in your lap you will hear them clicking their teeth happily.

  6. You're not going to like this Lily. Let him bite you, if he does. Animals sense your fear. Eventually they learn that if you react or pull away when they nip at you, they will begin to bite more and more to get what they want.

    Gloves are not a great idea. For one, they need to get to know your scent and can't do that with gloves. Two, well, how would you pet him?

    So it's very important you don't let them intimidate you by biting. Don't try to do anything to it's teeth, you can't and it's inhumane if you did. But understand that rats are very docile, and almost never bite. Pick him up by his tummy and set him on your arm, let him crawl around. They won't bite unless they feel trapped, ir if it's a female and they are nesting. That was my only rat bite, trying to pet a rat while she was nesting!

  7. Rats should never bite people. Has yours ever bitten you before? If so, there is definitely something wrong. Did you get him from a pet shop, or a breeder? A store-bought rat may not have been handled or loved before, and is simply afraid. Does he lose his bowels on you when you hold him? If so, he's probably just scared. Just hold on to him for about 15 minutes. He may squeal and protest with all his might, but once he calms down and sees that you won't harm him, he will start to trust you.

    Also, if he's bitten you before, he may be sick. The first thing you should do after you get him is get him checked up by a vet. Does red stuff come out of his eyes or nose? If so, he is definitely sick or stressed. If he's healthy, then he may just be stressed from living alone. Rats NEED companionship, just like you would if you were him. Get another boy to keep him company, and they will be healthier, happier, and live longer. Two rats will also still cost about the same to maintain as one, and will be much better pets.

    Finally, if you are just scared of him for no reason, don't get a rat. Both you and he will be much happier if he lives with someone who isn't scared of him.

  8. just were those cooking gloves you use to pick up hot cookies and other food

  9. calm down first of all. animals can sense certian emotions and if u are worried or stressed ur rat will be to. which can make the situation tricky. so make sure u are calm and relaxed before handling ur rat. but rats are very kind. if u treat him right then he will treat u right. rats are actually the least likely rodent to bite. so don't worry about him biting. and the yellow is just a layer of plaque to protect his teeth. his teeth aren't all that sharp either, they are just like ours just a little longer, but again don't worry. just reach in slowly into his cage and scoop him up. just slide ur hand under his belly and pick him up. that simple. he may squirm but he will not bite. once out of his cage and in ur hands hold his bottom in one hand and have ur other hand wrapped around under is front legs. this provides a good grip. after a few minutes he will calm down and become ur little buddy. and what ever u do dont wear any sort of gloves. they can be scary for any kind of rodent. and ur rat needs to learn ur scent.

  10. Just don't worry about it. Has he ever actually bitten you? I held 2 adult rats today at the pet store and they were really sweet, they didn't bite me at all! Just don't think about it and enjoy your rats instead of being afraid of him.

    To file his teeth down, he just needs lots of wooden things or cardboard to chew on.

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