
I"ve lost me grandma,any one found her??

by  |  earlier

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The computer's swallowed grandma

Yes' honestly' its true.

She pressed 'control' and 'enter'

And disappeared from view.

Its devoured her completely

The thought just makes me squirm.

Maybe she's caught a virus

Or been eaten by a worm.

I've searched through the recycle bin

And files of every kind.

I've even used the Internet

But nothing did I find.

In desperation I asked Jeeves

My searches to refine.

The reply from him was negative

Not a thing was found 'online'.

So, if inside your 'In Box'

My Grandma you should see.

Please 'Scan', 'Copy' and 'Paste' her

In an e-mail back to me.





  1. hey i got that as an email so its not very good

  2. Nice one. Cheers.

  3. she"s gone to the bingo!it"s friday..

  4. sorry looked every where!someone will find her..

  5. omg!!! did u write that? its rly good        *****STAR FOR U!!*****


  7. found her....she was in the bb house

  8. oh no she wasnt called doris was she because i saw an add in the paper


    An elderly gentleman shuffles into a newspaper office and asks if he can place a piece in the obituaries section.

    “No problem sir,” says the girl behind the desk. “That’ll be a pound per word.”

    Nodding slowly, the old man writes “Doris Is Dead” on a piece of paper. “Is that all you want to put?” asks the girl.

    “I only have three pounds, my dear,” says the pensioner, starting to leave. The girl, feeling sorry for the old man, says she will go up and speak to the editor.

    Moments later, she returns from the office, grinning broadly. “Good news,” she says. “The editor says you can have another three pounds-worth of words.”

    Smiling gratefully, the old man takes another piece of paper and thinks for a moment. Shakily, he writes: “Doris Is Dead. Metro For Sale.”

  9. Get some recovery program!

  10. i will echo the word"s of

    Karolisha L, star for you*

  11. that"s oh so sweet! luv it..*

  12. Your tale is sad and dreary

    I really wish to aid

    So finding your Grandma

    Is my next crusade

    So when I check my "In Box"

    If I see her there

    I will retrive her

    And send her to your lair

    It would be my honor  

    just to help you out

    We will find your Grandma

    Of that I have no doubt!

    (this is fun)

  13. lol =]

  14. I saw your Grandma on the net

    while browsing the other day,

    I asked her out to dinner,

    We had a Chinese take away.

    So you won't find her anywhere,

    she is staying here with me,

    Old Grandpa Joe and your Grandma

    is the way it's going to be.

  15. she was last seen heading for Polls & Surveys ,she was"nt getting enough laugh"s down here!! l.o.l. nice poem by the way...

  16. Ha ha ha.!!!

    She is watching the cricket game, lol.!!!

    Cheers No8.!!

  17. nice one our kidda!! nice reply from Brandon..

  18. you"ve set the ball rolling with this one no8! star*

  19. g1  

  20. excellent parody!! have you checked out the rubbish bin??

  21. Lol nice one!

  22. Oh dear!! I will look out for her!!  

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