
I ran a red light by accident..?

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I ran a red light by accident. I have never done it before. I am so scared. Nothing happened, someone just honked at me. I am so dissapointed in myself because I was letting myself get distracted by a friend. Its been about an hour and a half now..




  1. Unless your area has cameras, you got away with it, this time. Hopefully it will make you more aware in the future.

  2. Happens to the best of us --- and on the upside, you'll probably be even MORE cautious about red lights now. It's a good thing you are distressed about it though, even though it stinks because it means you ARE a good driver and just a momentary slip.

    Just be thankful no one was hurt. And don't be scared, best thing to do is go back out and drive right now so you don't wind up too frightened to do so.

  3. get over it. just be carefull next time. if you didnt get a ticket for it then dont loose sleep over it.

  4. Everyone runs a red light at least once in their life, nothing bad is going to happen to you though, relax.

  5. Well I am sure almost everyone has done that at least once. You are lucky you didn't cause an accident. In the future you should pay more attention to the road. Remember you are driving a 2,000 pound death machine on wheels.

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