
I ran away from the nut house?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, I did something very stupid today, I'm 15 and was in the nut house for 2 months for my psychosis and the pressure you go through there is exhausting, I ran away and now I'm at home and don't know what to do :(???! I couln't take it much longer there...What are they going to do now? Any help is needed?




  1. I don't think the nut house would let you use a computer... you asked a question 3 weeks ago. get a life. oh and you answered a question 2 days ago.

  2. Call them on the phone now. You ran away because you were finally getting close to the real pain, the scarey stuff. Maybe it's fianlly break through time!) Talk to your therapist about the pressure you are feeling.  What "they" are going to do is not the issue, what YOU are going to do is. I'm also guessing you didn't run away with your meds, so your going start feeling pretty crappy soon.

    Good luck!

    And Kabooze, some "nut houses" that are residential facilities, do allow computor use.

  3. You are going to have to talk to your parents sweetie. The first place they will look for you is at your house I'm sure.  

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