
I ran into the guy that raped me and he tryed to hug me :'( he made me suicidal help?

by  |  earlier

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a year ago i went over to who i thought was a friends house and he forced himself onto me; since then i have had issues with trust and it takes me a very long time to open up to anyone. Iv lost weight, i went from being a happy outgoing person to a pent up empty shell of a human being who i hate.

today i was at a local newsagancy and i ran into the guy that rapped me, he tryed to hug me, and spoke to me like a old friend, i was pertified, i stood there and spoke to him out of fear and basically ran out of there.

i never took any action to the police, and bcasue of him i lost many fieneds, i attaempted suicide a week after what he did, and many ppl dont know why i did it, but i lost amny friends beacuse of it.

i dont think he knows what he did to me!? does he?! he would have to?! he just went on with his life like everything was ok, while my whole world was shattered.

im still dealing with it and have Post traumatic tress disorder, what do i do, i haad plans to go for a drink with a friend and caceled, im in my room alone on a saturday crying, i cant help it, i cant control how i feel..

what is wrong with me... how do i make the pain stop.. how can i make it stop interfering wiith my life?!?!

somebody anybody ... help me




  1. Report him. He is obviously trying to be "your friend" so you won't report him to the police. Don't hold back and pick up the phone, if you know his name, what he looks like, then the cops will be on the case.

    Your friends should know the truth. Tell them that you were raped, they will fully understand and help you get you through this terrible situation. If you don't tell them, there going to think that you hate them.

    For you, get some help. Get books, CD's, and DVD's will help you overcome your freakiness. If it doesn't help, I suggest going to a thearpist or a doctor about your problem. There are classes and programs for your disorder.  

  2. You should not be facing all this alone. Don't you have any family you could talk to? Get yourself into counseling and check to see if there are any rape support groups in your area.Its time you take control of yourself.Good luck. I think you should report him.

  3. i would grab the big mac10 and put the heat to his dome pull da trigga on a nicca

  4. Well, S****y Panties, I know it's difficult after being a victim of rape. I know people who have been in that situation and didn't do anything about it because of their social group. Some have moved on from it. Others have really been torn up inside for years. And wish they had made a better decision afterwards. So maybe you should think about getting this person convicted. I'm not trying to call you selfish for it - but you may not be the only one this guy has done that to. And that wouldn't be fair. I'm sure he knows. And he knows you know. I actually think you know what you can do. You're just scared.  

  5. i think he reason he hugged you is because he knew what he did has affected you and now hes trying to act like hes frindly and innocent incase you decide to press charges- which you SHOULD. c'mon girl think about it this way-hes hurt you and ruined your life, losing your friendss, your confidence... why doesnt that deserve punishment? plus imagine all the other girls he could have done this too whilst hes not in prison??

    sort yourself out first, tell someone you love about it, no one is going to look down on you for something that was forced upon you. once youve told someone (and i know it will be hard, i cant even tell people the smallest problems)try going for therapy, or if your not ready try just writing your feelings down then u wont hold back.

    i wish you all the best x*x

  6. hmmm... im guessing your parents don't know? If they did they would help you to see a psychiatrist and they would set you straight.

    That's terrible what he did - maybe he doesnt even realise what he's done? it's possible

    I say try the psychiatrist route - see a doctor and talk them about it, because anything you say is confidential, and he may be able to put you on to some psychiatric help

  7. Call the cops you dumb s**+it,

    or get some therapy.

    before you kill yourself.

    (sorry for cursing. it's because after all that happened to you, youre still-not going to call the cops on him after what he did?! that is just idiotic.)

  8. You really need to go to counseling and learn to deal with this. He doesn't think he did anything wrong, because you came to his house, and that is what he thought you wanted. Go to a rape support group, they will advice you on how to move on, and to deal with the emotions.

  9. u shouldnt have ran to the guy who rapped and yes he isnt stupid he knows that he raped u ...poor u  

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