
I ran over my neighbours cat again!!!?

by Guest66663  |  earlier

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to response to my other question: i told the owners and they are very angry, but on the brink of forgiving me.

I told the owners of the previous cat i ran over, and they are very angry, so they sadly burried that cat and basically went down to the pound to get a new stray cat, the next day while that cat walked out, i ran it over.

It is very sad, ive just run over their new cat.

What should i do?

i can't confess or else they'll hate me forever, i cant relax about it because it makes me feel very guilty, so simply i blamed the other next door neighbour, which is indian and cant speak much english.

The owners of the cat are extremely mad at the blamed neighbours, what should i do?




  1. first off it is not your fault, the cat should have been inside where it would be safe, happy and healthy.  

    I feel horrible for you that you are having to deal with this, you should sue them for your pain and suffering from hitting this poor cat.  I feel bad for the cat that did not have responsible owners.

    if I were you I would put the word out at all shelters around that these are not good pet parents.  At the shelter I volunteer at we ask about previous pets and if they are still alive and if not why aren't they and they have to explain what happened to their other pets and if they get hit by a car depending on how long ago it happened and all they probably won't be approved for adopting the animal.  especially if 2 animals get hit by cars then they won't be allowed to adopt.

  2. Come clean because you'll have two neighbours mad at you. For the cats, keep your eye open, don't drive too fast and don't feel guilty, it's life! I ran over a squirl and a bird recently and slowed down a bit, and actually avoided a cat this morning!

  3. It was clearly not right of you to blame your other neighbor, but at the same time it was not right of them to just let their cat wander around outside! That is highly irresponsible pet parenting, and that is why so many cats and dogs are killed by cars each year...

      In my opinion, you should tell them what really happened and I understand that you feel guilty but I would be more pissed off at the cat's owners for not taking care of him!

    Tell them they need to keep their cats indoors or they do not need to have a cat!!!

      Best of luck to you and I hope everything works out.

  4. I think you are making up this sick question. If not, then I refuse to believe you have run over two cats. At least I think it was two since your question is almost unintelligible. Number one, learn how to put a sentence together in a coherent way.  Number two, I don't care how many cats are running loose why are you the one that is always running over the cats. Are you doing it deliberately?

  5. I feel sad for everybody here.  Where I live there is a law that cats are not allowed to roam free. Those days are gone. You really should call animal control and let them give them a warning about leaving cat outside. If that does not work then just be very careful with your car.  The poor cat is the one that suffers because of its owners stupidity.

  6. They shouldn't have let their new cat outside so they are to blame.  I assume you were being carefull and looking where you were going else you are to blame.  Don't blame your other neighbour; that is a cowardly and cruel thing to do.  Ask your neighbours to keep their cats away from the roads especially when they are new.

  7. You should tell the "pound" not to supply them with any more cats. They are irresponsible pet owners, if they continue to allow the cats to roam free.

  8. i think you should take some creative writing classes. that way you could make your questions and sequels more interesting .probably not more believable but more interesting.

    the question about your brother and sister engaging in s*x  could use some dressing up too.

  9. their dumb for letting the cat roam around its an accident you didnt do it on purpose maybe they schoudl take better care of their cat then just leaving it outside

    they have no room to be angry if they loved it so much why wasnt it inside

  10. You do not need to drive!!! I would be really mad too if I had a neighbor that runs over my cat!!! You know when you drive your suposed to look around you!!

    re edit: It is not the owner's fault that there cat got run over, cats are suposed to live in the nature too. People can not have all cats indoors just because people run over cats!!

    A car is a really danerous thing lots of you people are saying it is more important that a car can go around than a cat. What if the cat was a stray?? Who would you guys blame!! I see people run around in there stupid cars racing down the road not caring who ever else is there. Cars can go around and cause global warming, and kill tons of people by stupid accidents. A cat is a innocent living being there is NOTHING wrong that a cat is outside. What if it was a person? This means a person should not be outside just because a person can get run over by a car by someone else!!!

  11. are u sure ur not aiming for them lol

  12. Unless you are a speeding maniac.....IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Believe me......I love animals and have rescued and found homes for well over 65 cats/kittens a couple of dogs, 5 rats, 2 mice, and I bought my 2 bunnies.  Not counting the many I kept as my own pets.  I've been fostering animals about 18 years now......I am the one who pays the vet bills and get them fixed and interviews for their new homes.  I also know...with my couple cats that will not stay in on a nice day for nothing....that they are at risk...but, my street is pretty quiet and all my pets are fixed, so they don't roam.  Don't lie and blame it on someone else...that's not right.  But, if they find out you did it.........tell them if they were loving responsible owners........they wouldn't let a cat they just got outside!!!!!!!!!!!!!  As far as the one poster who was balling you out........don't listen to idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  domestic animals should be inside and only outside when they are in a quiet area, country...not a busy street area, and especially, after they just lost one!!!!!!!!!  I think you need to call the animal shelter and let them know...these people keep getting cats from them, let them out, and they are being ran over, and they won't keep the cats in, knowing this street is not safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!  True you should be careful...but, they are at fault here.

    Oh let me edit this......bubun.........STFU!!!!!!!!!  he did NOT kill this animal on purpose!!!!!!!!!  it was an accident and the owner's fault!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  13. You are a very mean person to have killed such a cute creature and to have put the blame on an INDIAN!!!!!!(I am one). Just confess it. Tell them that it was not your intention to kill it. AND FROM THE NEXT TIME ONWARDS, PLEASE DRIVE YOUR CAR CAREFULLY. WHAT IF IT WAS A CHILD? YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN IN JAIL BY NOW. However, even if they forgive you the second time, neither they, nor the Indians WILL forgive you for that awfull lie.

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