
I read Michael Phelps great Story - parts 1&2. Does he hold 38 world records or 39 (7 current ones)?

by Guest55993  |  10 years, 8 month(s) ago

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I read recent Michael Phelps story by Sam Willis - is very nicely written.

I understand MP holds 39 world records (7 of them are still standing).

Among those 39, only 2 are short course world records and were set on 19th and 18th of December 2009.
19th of December record (short course 4x100 freestyly relay) is still standing and the earlier one stood only for 2 days until it was broken by a Russian team (short course 4x100 medley relay) on 20th Dec 2009.

These 39 world records were set in an array of 10 events (8 long course and 2 short course).

There are some confusions regarding these facts - Michael Phelps team's short course 4x100 medley relay world record is recorded or not recorded, the Russian team's world record which is still standing is recorded or not recorded, etc.

I am curious to know this. I asked Wikipedia the same question - received no answer.
Can Sam Willis help me regarding this. Can I have some verification please. Thank you so much in advance - Regards Ranji




  1. adoptionbaby03
    I was of the understanding it was 38.

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