
I read about Qing Gong and i think would like to do it. i know this will take years of practice.any help?

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if you have any books tell me some that r in english.i am not chineese.




  1. My advice to you would be... DO NOT RUSH it. It will take a long time even to getreally started. If you rush things you could quite possibly cause severe health issues. The issues will not be visible while you are young.

    Other than that I say good luck. It's an amazing thing. Also, you might want to try some books from Sr. Yang Jwing-Ming.

    Edit- The books are in english.

    The Root of Chinese Qigong, The Essence of Shaolin White Crane, Da Mo's Muscle/Tendon Changing Marrow/Brain Washing Treatise

  2. Start training. Find an instructor and learn. First step is to search google and check the phone book, then visit instructors.

    Not a whole lot anyone can tell you. First train. Then practice. Then train more.

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