
I read an answer to persistent cough about using warm onions & honey but I cant find it again. Help please?

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Under the Questions on fixing persistent coughing I read an answer using onions & honey,heated. I can't remember what to do. Can someone help please?




  1. Onion Cough Syrup

    "Place 3 large chopped white onions in a double boiler along with one-quarter cup of honey. Cook slowly for a couple of hours, strain off the liquid and dispose of the onions. The liquid can be taken as often as needed."

    I have also used this with really worked.

  2. 3 parts honey

    3 parts onion JUICE

    1 part Aloe gel

    Mix- let stand for 3-4 hours

    (a vitamin E caplet will keep the Aloe gel from browning if you are concerned about how it looks. commerical gel should not brown)

    If you are using your own aloe leaves- let the leaves drain for 10 minutes or this cough medicine will turn into a laxitive.

    You dont' want the sap- just the juice from the inner gel

  3. This sounds very similar to a sugar and onions remedy which would basically be the same thing:-

    Slice a large onion very thinly and line the sides of a large bowl with them, sprinkle with sugar. You can build it up to a couple of layers or so.

    Juice will come out of the onions and gather at the bottom of the bowl; a spoonful of this is said to ease some types of cough.

    For warm honey I'd imagine you'd do something similar, but warming the honey would make it easier to spread thinly on the onion slices, however it would probably be better to mix it directly with onion juice. It probably tastes even better and natural honeys are slightly antiseptic and antibiotic which may help kill any throat germs. I can also see that a honey-based mixture would tend to have demulcent qualities (forms a soothing film).

    Don't heat the onions in the honey though as it will cook them and render them useless.

    I know that I've tried the onion & sugar remedy in the past but don't recall how effective it was.

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