
I read an article this morning?

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That labour are promoting the unions again are they trying to empower the unions again because they know they are going to loose the next election, if the unions have enough power the country will grind to a halt with industrial actions all over the place and labour wont have to deal with it its a bit like spoiling the water so the next party has to pick up the mess.




  1. Labour have always been linked with the unions but that was when they were the working mans party not the rich man and fat cats party.

    Your theory could be correct i wouldn't put anything past that bunch of lying halfwits.

  2. The unions are run by the people for the people.

    They are not some mythological bogeyman entity who are waiting to bring the country to it´s knees.

    If you have a problem in your place of work your union will help you. They exist to help the workers and defend their rights against possible exploitation. Without the unions we would all be working for 2.50 an hour, 50 hours a week because big businesss doesn´t care about your rights.

    When did socialism and trade unionism become  dirty words?

  3. They said John Major would lose in 1992, but he didn't. They said Tony Blair would lose the last election, but he didn't. If the Labour party give you a great budget before the next election, then I wouldn't guess on them losing the next one.

  4. The Labour Party is short on money, one of its biggest financial backers are the Unions. Of course they are going to want something back in return. Talk about paranoid.

  5. I'm glad you read an article,but what's your question?

  6. I'd be careful about which paper you read - you know how they can make up trash like this.

    Although i definately think Labour is going to be out on its **** come election time.  Industrial action is going to happen all over anyway because of inflation - we're striking on Friday.

  7. Hello, can you hear me?

    The British Labour Party is the creation of the British Labour Movement and Unions.

    The Labour Party will be returned in 2010 with a majority of at least 200 seats in the House of Commons.

    My forecast is based upon my own research including anecdotal evidence gathered from the streets.

    Labour support is massive and mounting as the people realise that Cameron cannot match Labour for it's concern and care for the welfare of the people.

    We are now happily celebrating the 60th anniversary of the NHS - created by Labour between 1945-1948.

    No other political party so cares for the people as Labour.



  8. JOMAMO trade unions and socialism are dirty words because they dont work. trade unions are rubbish. they will bring this country down even further, if thats possible after labour has already ruined it.

    and clive H. i havent got enough thumbs down to answer you with

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