
I read in Australian newspaper that the Belgian government is about to dissolve..?

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Why?What will be the result of this?Why is their country so divided? I am an ex Dutchie who has lived in Australia for the past 20 years so I am interested to hear from citizens of Belgium and their take on these events.




  1. My understanding of it is that Belgium has always been split in 3- French, Flemish and Brussels. These 3 factions elected blocks to Parliament and they found coalitions which just-about worked.

    Belgian society seems now to be polarised as Brussels has changed to epitomise the capital of Europe. The Belgian voters in Brussels now follow the divide. Hence with fewer combinations it is much more difficult to find an effective coalition.

    The resigned (Flemish) prime minster Yves Leterme called the nation (Belgium) an accident of history. It is now upto a small task group of 2 French speaking politician and the national German speaking leader appointed by the king to find a solution.

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