
I read in a book that you can't know the health benefits of nearly any fruit grown in the USA?

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I read in a book (Body-for-LIFE) that you can't really rely on nutrition facts for things like oranges etc. because most the soil in the USA is lacking in the essential elements/nutrition anyway. The author was also saying that even two oranges in the same bin could have a huge difference. Apparently that's why we should all take supplements... is this true?




  1. And the book was probaby written by a special interest group for Vitamin and herbal supplement companies. Recent studies are showing that taking supplements are not only not as good for you as once thought, but could proabably harm you and hasten your eventual death, and are much better off getting your necessary nutrients naturally.

    It's impossible to know the exact nutrition info for any natural product anywhere in the world. They don't grow with nutritional labels, but we know they are healthy and good to consume; it's absolutely ludicrous for someone to suggest that supplements are better than the real thing because you can't see a nutrition label.

  2. most vitamin supplements are really just a way yo make really expensive urine. These vitamins are water soluble and any excess you take just is excreted in your urine and goes down the drain. The non soluble vitamins are actually dangerous to take, because they build up in your liver and can cause liver problems.

  3. There is some truth to that statement but it's not limited to produce grown in the U.S. only. Nutritional supplements are a wise choice.

  4. You don't need supplements, but it is true that each item that we ever eat is never the same nutritional value as the one next to it. That goes for everything in food.

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