
I read on the news the other day that so far the war in iraq has cost 500 billion dollars?

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500 BILLION, thats half a ****ing TRILLION dollars spent on this war. Holy c**p.

Is this true? Just imagine what other things that money could be spent on. I don't want to turn this question into what people don't like about bush, but just think about what else that money could be spent on.

If that money was put into research and development, space travel, development of more efficient coal processing plants and feasible renewable energy. etc...




  1. 2 trillion so far.

  2. It is an outrage!

    Here is a link to the National Priorities Project. It gives you a running total of the cost of war. You can also see what all the money could be spent on in comparison.

    Of course this does not include the loss of life for anyone.

  3. The amount of money being spent on this conflict, as well as the appalling loss of life, is obscene.

  4. > $517,000,000,000 +

  5. Will you allow your next president to continue a policy that costs so much with little if any results?

    Think about how high gas is, when we are in a gas rich nation.

    Do the Bush's and Chaney family look worried?

    They are making hand over fist, while they preach about how important it is to stay in Iraq at the cost of American soldiers, and countless civilian lives.  All while our economy suffers and we can't even afford to go drive to work and pay our bills.

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