
I read that 13 of 20 of the worlds largest cities are at sea level..?

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which cities? sources please thank you.




  1. AMY L, New York is NOT at sea level. If it were, it would already be under water. Any city that is at sea level must have a protective barrier or it would be continually flooded. New Orleans (a poor flood wall as we all know) would be an example, and I believe much of the Netherlands (the reason for the wind mills was to pump water out of the inhabited areas).

  2. They include New York and Tokyo.

  3. well the thing about civilization is that it needs food and water, places at sea level were flood plains in olden times and that would replace the silt fertilizing the land. so that would create a food surplus aking way for develoupment, and some of those cities never went away. so it is probably true, for instance; look at new orleands it was a HUGE city and it was at sea level which turned out to be a disadvantage in the end.

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