
I read that Indians are actually Caucasians. Is that true?

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I read a few things that said Indians (meaning from South Asia) are considered Caucasian because they descended from the Aryans (the Indo-Aryans). Same with the Persians, they are Caucasian not Arab.

But in modern terms, you don't usually call anyone who isn't white a Caucasian. But I read that the term Caucasian is based on the anthropology, like bone structure and such and Indians have that bone structure. North Indians usually have light skin too.

What else would they be honestly? Now that I think about it.




  1. that theory of the aryan invasion is already being removed from history.Historians are finally starting to accept that ancient india developed independtly from caucasian influence, and that the people of india actually pre-date any known western or caucasian peoples or civilization.

  2. Hm.. I thought Caucasian and Aryans were different.

    Yeah, the Indian subcontinent are Caucasians. By Persian, do you mean Iranian? Iranians are Arabs, aren't they? Never thought of them as Caucasian. Sorry for so many questions. :)

  3. The fact that the Hindu culture has one of the hghest incidences of Blood Type "B", which arose among Caucasoid/Semitic peoples in the region of Northern India, appx. 10,000 years ago, would indicate that Indians are less Mongoloid, and less Negroid than their sub-tropically tanned-skin would suggest...

  4. yeah they are, compared to asians.

    although northern asians share more similarities with white europeans (espeically eastern europeans).

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