
I read that it took 2 years to be accepted into the ancient community at Qumran anyone know where to find info

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The ancient community at Qumran had very strict guidelines, I remember reading that it took 2 years to get in. I'm looking for sources for this info.




  1. Much comes from word of mouth from that time period. In 1947 the Dead Sea Scrolls were found and continue to be deciphered. It took two years to go through the initiation period into that sect which was pretty much the 'missing link' between judaism and christianity. There are many scholarly books in all languages that have been researched and written about the Dead Sea Scrolls, the people of that cult, their traditions and life style. My book titled simply 'The Dead Sea Scrolls' was written some 30 years ago but there have been many more since then. Any public library should be able to find a book for you. It is from this Essene community that you will find reference to practices that have become common place in christianity.

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