
I read that seizures aren't supposed to hurt, if this is true, why does my dog cry when she has one?

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I read that seizures aren't supposed to hurt, if this is true, why does my dog cry when she has one?




  1. Because she's terrified!  A dog can't possibly understand what's happening when they're having a seizure.  I can't try to leave my dog's side when she's in a seizure, so I have to pray there's someone else home to run for the ice or the valium the vet gave me to bring her out of it, because if I try to move from her side, she panics even more and I'm afraid she'll hurt herself trying to come after me.  

    Just stay close to your girl and comfort her as best you can.

  2. If dogs are like people, it could be because she's afraid (some seizures cause a feeling of fear) or it could be an automatism - something she does and she doesn't know she's doing it - or it could be part of the seizure. I give a quick yell when I have a seizure - people have told me it sounds like I just banged my thumb or got an electric shock - but the seizure doesn't hurt one bit, unless I hit something when I'm shaking.

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