
I read that there are 3 Airbus A380s in operation. What airlines own them?

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I would like to know what airlines these planes are in operation.




  1. Singapore Airlines own and operate all three between Singapore and Sydney; Singapore and London Heathrow and sometimes Singapore and Kuala Lampur on training flights...they should get their 4th one on Monday and then the fifth in May after which Emirates and Qantas get theirs.

  2. All A380's that are in service are currently in service with Sinagapore Airlines... as of yet, no other arline has an A380 delivered to them.

  3. -All 3 of the A380's in operation are operated by Singapore Airlines (9V-SKA, 9V-SKB, and 9V-SKC ).

  4. acctually airbus has realeases lots of a380 cause not only singapore airlines have them,emirates,qantas,and of course,airbus with its name posted.some airlines said that they would want this aircraft like jal,qatar airways and many many more.:)

  5. Singapore Airlines have the first four aircraft (number 4 delivered this week). One flies to Sydney daily, two are used for flights to London and the latest one will start flights to Tokyo in May

  6. Singapore Airlines, correction they have 4 now!

  7. only singapore airlines at the moment being their launch customer

  8. Singapore Airlines was the first

    Second to get one was Qantas Airlines

    Third was Emirates Airlines!

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