
I read the British royal family and aristocracy eats and drinks French cuisine but not English, is this true?

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this includes serving it to guests...




  1. No.

    The current Royal Chefs at Buckingham Palace are an Englishman and a Canadian. They can undoubtedly cook anything, but British fare is the menu of choice.

  2. Don't believe everything you read. The royal family are just like the rest of us. Being in the monarchy is just a job, albeit not a nine to five one but I'm sure they enjoy a bacon butty as much as the rest of us.

  3. probably, i cannot imagine them eating fish and chips, they are prob. above that, even though the people that keep food on their table, the taxpayers, eat fish and chips without complaint

  4. 'Course not!

  5. because there is no british cuisine

  6. who cares!! there just some people who have done nothing for this country and waste our money and land!!

  7. Its true they eat French cuisine, its also true they eat Italian,Indian,chinese you name it. Charley boy makes his own English cuisine and flogs it to the public at hugely inflated prices claiming its organic. H e has huge estates where he produces a lot of organic food. He is also reputed to have 5 boiled eggs each morning choosing the only perfect one. I am sure its an English one though.

  8. All I know is that The Queen speaks fluent French and often uses the language for Audiences and State Visits. The Queen prefers to speak in French when she is entertaining her quests at Buckingham Palace, and all the menus are in fact, printed in French as well.

    French is more "elegant" and "classy" among the royals, even during the middle ages, the French court was far more "cheerful and exciting" compare to the old and dull English court of that time. Everyone could speak fluent French, but not many spoke fluent English back then.

  9. La, de, da,de,da. Yes. They have a curry too. Does that make them Muslim?

  10. I bet they eat all kinds of food but I heard today that the Chef at Windsor is French. I'm curious to see what he has concocted for tonight's dinner.

    Personally, I love real english food, particularly fish and chips and pubs' meals.... a good steak and kidney pud..... lovely !

  11. Her Majesty's favourite is Pot Noodle and crinkly oven chips.

    Prince Philips is a Van Kebab. They actually have their own Kebab van in the grounds of the palace. At state banquets the choice is always spam fritters and tinned peas. When touring France they take  the Kebab van on the back of the transit van. Prince Philip has been quoted as saying "Nous mangeons français seulement s'il existe une mort subite au manège" which roughly translated means "Εμεις τρωμε μονο γαλλικη, αν υπαρχει αιφνιδιου θανατου σε σταβλους"

    Hope this clarifies things

    Long live Cromwell

  12. I think they deliberately choose British food, especially when serving it to foreign guests.

  13. No, they have those frozen tv dinners several nights a week

  14. Do you choose to believe everything you read ?

  15. In a word - no!

  16. Who cares?    (But, no)

  17. No its rubbish. I've read the royal family live like a normal family most of the time. The Queen's favourite program was 'Kirsty's Home Videos' - I think that says it all.

  18. No it's nonsense.

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