
I read the "Washiington Post" every other day and they have products from India and China everyday that have..

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lead; how can Americans make sure they are getting safe lead free products. Can anyone keep up with all these recalls?

Does it make you angry enough to buy only American products?




  1. I am really trying to simplify my life,  so I no longer need many of these products that are made in China.

    I am trying to buy more American made products.

    I wonder how many toys my son had when he was younger that were made in China that might have had lead in them!

    I start to get upset thinking about it.

    My son got a flu shot this year, doctor recommended it----the nurse gave me the paper to sign AFTER he got the shot!!!!

      Guess what?  The vaccine contained mercury, and I could have chose a different vaccine---so it's not just China-----it's everywhere!

  2. Lilia's response is right on since products ordered directly from China may not have been inspected at our borders to ensure for conformity to our standards of goods and services.

    Good luck!

  3. Not really... Greed has no religion, race or party affiliation...

    Buying American does not guarantee quality or lack of lead, specially if the manufacturer wants to make money by reducing costs...

    When companies reduce costs their investors love it... The problem is lack of regulation... Guess what. I WANT BIG GOVERNMENT checking the toys for safety. I do not want this responsability solely on the manufacturer, independant from country of origin

  4. I would suggest #1 never buy products from China.  It is best not to order by mail products made in other countries.  You can be pretty sure that products sold in stores in the U.S. from other companies besides China are safe.

    So far the only Country with product safety problems is China, but don't take chances with other countries because China has begun to ship to other countries their products with false lables so you can't be certain.

    Hope I have helped you!.

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