
I read to my horror today that all phone calls and emails are to be logged to a data base?

by  |  earlier

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this goes under the guise of anti terrorism. Where does this erosion of our privacy end?




  1. "to be logged.."?? Have been for some years now, for our protection only!! PONY!

    The Menworth hill site in the UK is officially US soil, supposed to be for our protection, but there have been numerous occasions when UK business ideas have been stolen and sent to US businesses!

    If were up to me, first time that happened I kick their arses back over the Atlantic, then again, if it were up to me we wouldn't have US citizens snooping on UK calls/emails faxes/texts etc!

  2. Phone calls have been logged for some time now, just which number called which number, time, date, length of call etc.   It's proved very useful when tracing the final steps of a murder victim or missing person, or a suspect in a serious crime.   I believe in the US there is the facility to listen in for certain 'trigger' words and if 2 or 3 are picked up in a conversation then the whole call can be listened to.  Not sure if we do that in UK or not.

    But even if you thought all your calls and texts WERE actually being monitored, why would you be horrified?  What on earth is in your emails or phone calls that you are so paranoid about anyone overhearing or reading them.  What do you have to say that you want to keep so secret?

    I really couldn't care less if they listen in to me.  At best they might get a good laugh, at worst they'll be bored stiff.  They'll certainly find nothing of interest.

  3. its nothing to do with terrorism - its so the government can spy on us, they blame terrorism control on any unpopular law nowadays.

  4. i think this is a breach of our collective human rights, the right to hold a personal and private conversation via phone/e-mail, next we,ll all have government cctv in our homes to monitor our every move, George Orwell wasn't a novelist he was a bloody prophet

  5. Yes, i read that too, its terrible, where next i wonder?

  6. It doesn't bother me.

  7. When they start doing these types of things and not bother telling you then it's time to worry.

  8. You're just finding this out now?  The phone company has been keeping records since they started using ENIAC.

  9. Maybe they want to set up secret cameras in our homes too and then they can see which brand of loo-roll we use! This is taking to too far. They don't seem bothered about all the known terrorists they allow to stay and give them their rights etc.. What happened to 'intelligence'? I value my privacy and this is an extreme invasion. Having nothing to hide is not the point but dignity and respect are. I don't think this will help or solve the problem but bring this once 'free' Country further underground..

  10. Am not bothered either

  11. Ridiculous. Instead of wasting money on this nationwide database nonsense, how about getting the resources to the police and updating the legal system so that violent scum from all walks of life are actually pursued and caught. This database won't do that -  the muderers, rapists, terrorists and other assorted guttertrash will continue, in all likelihood, to thrive. In my view it will create more problems than it will solve and is a potential threat to national security itself.

  12. Even if I had absolutely nothing to hide I'd consider moving my email out of a country had laws allowing this. It's a blatant breech of personal privacy. It amounts to presumption of guilt.

    Some companies are already using bullet proof ISPs who don't store their data for the Patriot act/RIP (UK version of the Patriot act) to swallow up. I wonder how long it will be before off shore email accounts in the Cayman islands become popular.

  13. Not really bothered, i have nothing worthwhile listening to or reading.

  14. If you've nothing to hide what's the is by doing this that they'll catch the weirdo's and murderers.

  15. This will only include the originating and receiving phone numbers and e-mail addresses being logged, to try and log all the conversations and e-mail contents would be impossible, there are millions of calls made daily just within the UK never mind those that originate or terminate outside of the UK

  16. The people that are complaining most about this issue would be first in line to demand answers as to why more wasnt done to protect them in the event of one of their own being a victim of terrorism.

    I couldnt care less myself, but then I am not as paraniod about our own government as the many resonders here are.

  17. I don't see of what use would the details of my boring life be to them, but whatever.

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