
I read travel books: I know that penguin-egg whites can be used as soap substitute. Will that impress anyone?

by Guest21270  |  earlier

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I read travel books: I know that penguin-egg whites can be used as soap substitute. Will that impress anyone?




  1. Not much

  2. You just never know when information like that will come in handy. There you are, surrounded by penguins, covered in penguin guano ...

  3. Well, if you went on TV on  Millionaire and it was the million pound questions, just think you would know it!

  4. It impressed the BeJaysus out of me, and I'm not easily impressed, I can tell ya! Is it one particular type of Penguin, eg The "Soapy" Penguin, or will any old Penguins egg do? How does it compare with a Branded Market Leader, eg Tre'Semme, or Herbal Essences?

    Don't Penguins eggs smell of fish? If so, how would one compensate for that,because its no good having lovely shiny healthy Hair, if you smell like a crabstick! Can Penguins be kept, on a domestic allotment, or would I need  special dispensation from my Local Authority? Is there anything interesting one can do with the Yolk, or does it go to waste? Can they be Farmed intensivly, like Chickens, or Bears? This  facsinating piece of what some might  derisivly label as "trivia"  certainly throws a whole new light on the usefulness of this Snooty looking Bird. I for one will never look at their impeccably groomed fur,or shiny little teeth in quite the same way again.

    By the way, the Penguin isn't actually a Fish at all, its a Mammal, like Frogs or Sea Urchins.

  5. not the penguins....not me either really - I mean what does it smell like? Just buy some bloody soap.

  6. Wouldn't have thought so.

  7. Of course.  Who would have thunk it?

  8. Maybe an antarctic explorer?

    You might need to think about taking a trek across the frozen wastes!

    Cheers :-)

  9. Egg-whites to clean.

    I wouldn't use that. Even if this was very true (which I expect)...

    For me, it's a big yuck

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