I have an audition next friday to get into an acting school. However, since I started learning my monologues (speeches) for the audition I've been feeling incredibly HUGELY! down and sad. The sadness has been building over the days and it has nothing to do with the worry of the audition (I don't think it has) or the fact that this school requires alot of energy (which I possibly lack). I'm confident that I'm going to do well. Yet every night I cry my eyes out over my family. I feel so sad about myself. I regret bad things I've done to them in the past, things that probably don't matter that much, and I've never really thought about until now! I've been out of work for a year, while my brother works as a plumber, my mam is a house wife and deserves everything in the whole world more then I ever will. My dad is a hero in my eyes! I don't feel I deserve to bother them with my ambition to be an actress, even though I havn't really gloated or anything. My mam tells me not to worry (she shouldn't, I don't deserve it), my dad encourages me, my brother and his girlfriend think my ambition is a turning point in my quiet life. I feel like I'm dieing! As I type I'm crying, I feel soo sad and down right now!! Please can anyone try to explain what's wrong if you can. Please!!