
I really REALLY need help! i dont know what to do!?

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my son (11) has Cerable Palsy and is in a wheelchair he has been struggling in school, my daughter (10) is an amazing student. thier dad wants them to be in the same 5th grade class and i am worried that this is going to bring my son down watching his sister excel while he has to work so hard and i am worried that she will back off her studies because she does not want to see her brother upset because she does not have to work as hard. thier dad thinks it will be easier bc my daughter will be able to help him bc she will know whats going on in the class but i think it should be something my son needs to learn how to do on his own if he is going to suceed in the future. also she has many friends and is very outgoing and makes friends with everyone and he is a little more shy and has a harder time making friends so i am worried that he will not try to interact with people bc his sister is there all the time am i wrong in thinking that they should not be in the same class?




  1. If they are in the same school then they will be working on similar materials even in a different class.  I know that in the school where I work all of the 6th grades do similar if not the same work.  Some classes move faster, some slower, depending on the level of the students in the class, but all of them have the same chapters in math, English, science, etc..  I think having them separate gives them a better chance to be themselves.  Like another answerer posted, most schools will even separate twins to give them a chance to be their own person.  I think your children will do better if they are not in the same class.  Your daughter can still help your son at home.  All parents involved with these kids, step or otherwise, should also have open communication with the teacher.  Perhaps the teacher would be willing to email the list of homework to you daily so that you will know what they have to be working on.  Talk to the school, take their advice into consideration as well.  But I don't think you're wrong, I think they should be in their own classes.

  2. keep them seperate I don't think schools let siblings be in the same classes anyway

  3. I work at an elementary school with special ed students. I would not recomend putting them in the same class for several reasons.

    1. your daughter will end up focusing more of her attention to her brother's well being than her school work.

    2. Your son may feel bad watching his sister having more of a normal life than him every day in class.

    There are just a few reasons.

    However I would recommend that you talk to the school about getting him one on one assistance to help him in school. This help is called a ParaPro. They work with the individual student on every level and most kids that have a one on one have a much better chance to be able to preform out in the would after school.

    If you decide to go for the para, the school may not want to do this right off the bat but keep at it until you get it. This will be the best thing you can do for him.

  4. I don't even think the school will allow them to be in the same class. They even separate twins. I think they should be separated.

  5. seperate them.  he needs to learn everything on his own.  she doesnt need to worry about him in class.

  6. No! Both of them shouldn't be in the same class. Talk your husband out of it.

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