
I really cannot stand computers sometimes?

by  |  earlier

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So my desktop keyboard is messed up. The keys don't work properly, when I press M it minimizes the screen, when I press L, it goes to the xp main screen with the users, when i push some buttons it does other weird things. If I hold down the shift button the keys work fine but then I can't open anything on the desk top without everything opening because of the shift key being held down. It's so annoying. I find I have to use the character map to type things; that takes way too long. Another thing, I tried to clean it, I took off all the keys, soaked em in warm soap water, and cleaned the keyboard with a cuetip and warm water, and the thing still doesn't work. Could it be a virus? Or just my keyboard? At one point even the mouse wasn't working; but it is now. What's worse is that it just happened out of nowhere, my friend was on my computer and she swears she did nothing to it. I hope not. Anyways, just let me know what's going on with it as I am basically computer illiterate. I am able to type this because I'm on my mac... I do still need my desktop though for printing documents, please help.




  1. do yourself a favor, dont buy a new keyboard, unplug the one you have, take it to your bathroom soak it in your tub in water and soap, run warm water over it after soaking it and turn it upside down, leave it for a day or so to dry and your good to go. and NO it will not mess it up, if you dont have power going through an electronic you can't mess it up like this  

  2. b_plenge answer is really a good one. just so you know

  3. From the behavior that you're mentioning it sounds like the Windows key on your keyboard is stuck down.  Windows Key + L is the shortcut for the XP Login Screen, Windows Key + M is the shortcut for minimize. Since clenaing it didn't help you may need to replace the keyboard.

  4. Its probably a virus!

    Use an anti virus software to do a deep system scan and also do a scan with spybot search and destroy for spyware.

    If all these fail use system restore utility to restore ur PC to an earlier time. This should solve the problem.

  5. reinstall new operating system or if not you can use the onscreen keyboard which is easier than characters map just press start and press run then write osk you have a virtual keyboard  

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