
I really cant do a split could you tell me how I can learn?

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i can barely make an l with my legs can u direct me to a site that can show me how to strech my legs out so i can do a split?

ive been trying to learn so that i can be ready for my martial arts classes next year.




  1. Wear clothes that allow you to stretch eg: tracksuit, leotard, swimming costume etc

    Watch TV, or read a book because this passes by the time while you are stretching, this will distract you from the pain and allow you to stay in the same position without getting too bored.

    Spread your legs as wide as they will go,and sit with them wide for 10-15 minutes.

    Use something to hold your legs in that wide position such as something heavy and wide like a dresser, a wall, or a person(who slowly widens them with his/her legs).

    Stand every 10-15 minutes and allow the pain from the stretch to wear off.

    Get stretched faster and do more stretches for the same amount of time.

    Repeat the process and allow your self to stretch wider each time for more minutes (25)atleast.

    Remember to breath deeply and stretch more on exhales

    Avoid bouncing and rocking into position or having someone painfully force the stretch. You could tear or damage tendons, ligaments and muscles.

    Read this guide on how to do the splits in 3 weeks It provides a week by week schedule with specific steps and a list of very effective stretches.

    Don't eat while stretching

    Don't stop stretching once you start.

    Have a positive attitude.

    Lunges help.

    Stretch using rubber bands, or warm water to warm muscles.

    Don't over stretch yourself, or go beyond your limits.

    Don't hurt yourself, or endure too much pain just to get the splits down.

    Gently massage the upper leg muscles while streching, for some people this seems to ease the pain.

    Practice makes perfect.

    Don't wait until the week before tryouts to learn to do splits. Start practicing months in advance so your muscles and flexibility develop.

    Once your body is used to splitting, it will become easier and easier to do it.

    Always be committed to doing the splits because once you stop for awhile your muscles won't be as flexible as it used to.:)

  2. martial arts classes next year? (really planing ahead I guess)

    also achieving a split isn't necessary for martial arts, except Taekwondo especially Okinawan martial arts which targets lower areas.

  3. Hey...

    I hope this isn't too cliche by giving you a video from you tube, but I dont know how to explain any of the stretches.  Hopefully you understand these a little...


  4. I used to be in dance and we had to be able to do the splits as well. It really is just as simple as stretching EVERY day.

    Make sure you are holding your stretches for at least 30 seconds. Stretch out both legs one at a time and then do your split (as far as you can go) Don't go too far though or you could pull a muscle. Just go as far as you can and hold it! Do this every day, trying to go down a little farther each day. You just need to get more flexible and the only way to do that is by lots and lots of stretching.

    Do this every day and you should be in the splits in a couple of weeks! Hope I helped.

  5. PRACTISE!!! its only way you will be able to do them, everyday stretch for at least 20 mins (any less and you could pull a muscle)  and then just try and go into the splits position, it may seem hopeless at first but just keep practising and daily your splits position should improve a little everyday, so basically just keep pushing yourself as far as you can go and after a few weeks you should be able to do the splits,, and remmber to warm down after trying

  6. Grab two chairs. Now, carefully place the chairs onto skateboards. Have someone help you place one foot on each chair. Next, have your helper tie your legs down to the chair. From here, attempt to give someone at least four times your bodyweight a piggy back ride. You may tear every important tendon in your legs, but at least it would make a great youtube video. 100,000 views guaranteed.

  7. yes

  8. break them

  9. just break your leg to hip tendons and it will be all you can do for a while!


    help me please

  11. wow why would you wanna learn that?

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