
I really care about the earth. I hate Global Warming.?

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What are some ways in which I could do to reduce my carbon footprint? I don't even have a recycling bin (shame on me), so where do I go to recycle my papers, plastic, and, cans.




  1. 2012 is the end of an arbitrary calendar cycle

  2. You can start by using 100 percent recycled paper products like paper, paper towels, and toilet paper. You can also use a reusable water bottle instead of buying plastic bottles, or you could start using a reusable shopping bag. The book titled the green book, it has many useful and easy things you can do, you should read it.

  3. I like it warm.

  4. do some research google 2012

  5. well all you need is a garbage can and just label it glss plastic or paper, and take it to your local dump and ask about their recycling plans! save the planet one bottle at a time...

  6. You all have fallen for a scam.There is nothing anyone can do about global warming.Anything we humans contribute to the atmosphere is minuscule in the macro world.And actually the last recorded rise in temperature globally was 1998.We have actually been cooling for the past 10 years.But if it makes you feel good, keep paying those carbon credits.I'm putting my money in savings.

    It is a good idea to recycle though.The recycled paper products was a good suggestion,and it wouldn't hurt if a person were to use reuseable grocery bags that they could carry along for grocery shopping excursions.I've seen where some cities have actually introduced legislation to put a tax on plastic bags in an effort to lessen their use.My Dad  supplements his retirement by recycling aluminum cans and bits of copper and other metals,and you should be able to locate the nearest recycling center by calling  the mayor's office or the sherrif's office.Take care.

  7. man i no ur feeling , earth is a beautifull planet and its our only home ,*** pollution

  8. check your local yellow pages for the recycling center near you, and call them to ask what they accept for recycling, and how they want you to prepare it. while recycling is a good thing to help eliminate the amount of garbage that goes into the landfills, understand that even if the world recycled everything that can be recycled, the affect on global warming will be minimal at best. so dont have any grand illusions in that regard.

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