I know not that the main idea is whist.. but I have ADD and it's so hard for me to read this and completely understand it? I'm having so much trouble
But what would the secondary ideas be? I'm trying to make a concept map.. Would it be the words calculating, eshewing, frivolous, faculty, christendom, proficiency, legitimate, derived, manifold, and multiform?
Whist has long been noted for its influence upon what is termed the calculating power; and men of the highest order of intellect have been known to take an apparently unaccountable delight in it, while eschewing chess as frivolous . Beyond doubt there is nothing of a similar nature so greatly tasking the faculty of analysis. The best chess-player in Christendom may be little more than the best player of chess; but proficiency in whist implies capacity for success in all these more important undertakings where mind struggles with mind. When I say proficiency, I mean that perfection in the game which includes a comprehension of all the sources whence legitimate advantage may be derived . These are not only manifold but multiform , and lie frequently among recesses of thought altogether inaccessible to the ordinary understanding. To observe attentively is to remember distinctly; and, so far, the concentrative chess-player will do very well at whist;