
I really don't get this facebook thing...?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so I had this one friend, that i accidently deleted one day, then i sent him a friend request but he didnt answer, so i sent him 2 more but still no answer, every time i search him up, i am still able to click on the friend request option and send another one, how do i find out he doesnt wanna add me, im really lost, like if he says no, will it show on my profile, i really dun get this




  1. If there is "no answer" there is no way for you to re-request him.

    ie. Once you friend request someone, it will STAY saying "Friend Requeted" until he responds:

    If the person rejects your request it will change back to "Add as friend" again. The fact that you can click on the "Request friend" option to send another one means that he has repeatingly rejected your friend request.

    If he says no it will not show up on your/his profile. The only indication is that you can re-request him again. means he has rejected your request for some reason.

    To another answerer: if he (the friend) blocked him (the questioner here), (The questioner) would not be able to search for / find (the friend) at all, nevermind add as a friend. Facebook does not allow requests (or anything at all) to be sent from a blocked individual .

  2. There is no way you can find out if he has denied your request without asking him yourself. The makers of Facebook made it this way to help protect the privacy of your friend. By the way, there is a chance that he has blocked you. It would allow you to send him requests, however he would never see your request. =(

  3. Call your friend and explain and tell them to accept the new friend request

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