
I really don't know.Do Muslims like what they call "hijab" ?

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Please give an answer. I don't know let's make it like a voting.

If you are a girl give me your opinion and if you are a boy ask your sister or your mother.




  1. hi, i don't wear a hijab, and neither does my mom or sister. we will wear it one day. the thing is when i put it on i have to put it on for the rest of my life and well i am not ready yet to make such a commitment. i am a good muslim though i pray, fast, help people, and even donate my clothes, and even money. i am 16 and some of my friends were forced to wear it, which i don't think is the right thing to do b/c it is the women's decision on wheter she wants to wear it. also, SOME girls who wear the hijab they aren't very good people they just wear it b/c they have to or something. when i went to egypt some of the girls that wore the hijab were wearing very revealing clothing, i was surprised honestly. my aunt on the otherhand she loves it, she has to match all her clothes, and she is a good muslim. i think it's a matter of choice. some do and some don't.

  2. I am an Egyptian Muslims and I am not wearing it , and I am not willing at all!

    I don't think it is important at all , we gave trivial things in our lives more importance than it actually deserves.

    answering your question ; NO  I don'y like it.

  3. Hi really i think it is good but i don't wear it because i can't imagine myself wearing it although my mother and almost my friends wear it but i can'''''''''''''''t  ( i am girl 15 yrs)

  4. I don't wear it but I have friends who do and they're just like anybody else. They do everything and they're tolerant and all. I don't wear it because I have a different opinion when it comes to this. My friends put it on without even beginning to pray or do other Muslim stuff so alot of the ended up removing it afterwards because they were never really that religious. My point is.. I think its a huge commitement and I need to be prepared. I'm not going to wear it until I'm really strong enough to keep it on forever. At this point and at this age (20) I dont think its possible for me.

  5. Hi, I'm a person living in a country where Muslims and Christians are side by side so i believe that i can explain this to you. no, I'm not Muslim, but i know what Muslims think about the hijab. actually, it's not a question of likeness, more a question of religion and belief. the girl who wears the hijab is showing that she is a person whom practices her religion, and in addition to the hijab, she must cover her body as much as she can. now in my country, the girls with hijab wear clothes with long sleeves and long skirts or pants, but uncover their faces and their hands, in other countries, like in Saudi Arabia, girls cover everything. but wherever you go they always tell you that it's not a matter of fashion but a matter of belief.

    i personally have nothing against the hijab , unless it was a decision made by the parents, not the girl herself, as there are so many girls who have been wearing the hijab since they are 3 or 4 years old. i know that this decision is only made for the best interest of the child but i believe that it should be the girl's personal free choice. but I'm cool with it, i believe it's a way like any other to show religious commitment.

    by the way, you can now see that the hijab is no longer a problem, as it's now becoming a fashion, as girls are using it in so many different ways and are making new trends with it.

  6. YEs YES YES YES and YES

  7. you will get many different opinions on this. I am Muslim and Egyptian and my mom, sister, no woman in my family wears the Hijab...But they do pray and fast and are good muslims..they just don't believe the HIJAB is what makes you a good or a bad Muslim.

    Hijab is only popular in Egypt now because "everyone is doing it" about 15 years ago you barely ever saw anyone even wearing it and people were much better and more polite and were even closer to God!

  8. well... well.. well!

    it's an interesting question, though i'm mostly astonished at the answers and perspective it received till now.

    first of all, i would like to note that i agree with clumsyone very much when she noted that Hijab is a symbol of a female's practise of her religion.

    As for those who claim they're muslims and saying that they dont like wearing Hijab and that they're not ready for it, i think they're simply cowards for not telling the truth, which is merely that they are following life's temptations and can't bear that something would hold it back from them. The important thing that those ignorant people keep on repeating, the idea of Hijab being a matter of choice and that a female should wear it with her own will, is not like it at all. Hijab is a direct order from Allah upon muslim women, so what is there to reconsider in wearing it? what they're actually implying is that they dont want to comply to Allah's order, and in the end they conclude by saying 'we are good muslims'.

    i know that a muslim woman who doesnt wear Hijab doesnt mean that she's not a good muslim, and that it's a fact that there are many who wear Hijab and are a disgrace to the novelty of wearing it!!

    My point is that Hijab is a must and every muslim woman is obliged to wear it. some people, parents that is, make their daughters wear it at a young age , mostly for their own sake and safety and for the idea of training them to adjust and get accustomed to it.

    I have worn Hijab ever since i was eleven and i used to live in a european country. i have never, during my long stay there, ever been harrassed or bothered for wearing it in public. I have felt secure and composed and proud of myself for being able to represent my myself as a muslim figure internally and externally.

    finally, dont ever get tricked by those who tell you that it's a matter of choice, those who say that have a weakness inside them to comply to all aspects of islam, and most muslim women see Hijab as an entrapment that prevents them from doing things or going places like discos and places of the sort. others hate to be looked at weirdly when they go to foreign countries.

    The End

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