
I really don't know what's going on?

by  |  earlier

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so my last period was around june 17 so that would make me around 10 weeks pregnant, & my due date would be around march 23 2009. i went to the hospital wed morning because i was having pains on my side, they ran some tests and told me the pain was caused by a u.t infection, they gave me an ultrasound just to make sure the baby was ok, when they used the regular ultrasound machine all they could see is a little circle in my stomach the lady said that i must have my dates messed up because they little circle only measured up to be around 5 weeks, then she gave me a trans vaginal ultrasound but she moved the screen so i couldn't see, because she said my er doctor would have to explain to me what was on the ultrasound (stupid) well when he came back in my room he told me that they couldn't see a heartbeat because its too small to see & that (it) only looked to be around 4 to 5 weeks, he also told me that my hcg level was 7298 which is consistent with a 5 week old pregnancy..I'm so scared, i don't know whats going on. I'm not having any pain, no cramps, no bleeding. maybe i do have my dates wrong (my periods have never been regular) if anybody could help & put some input in i would be so so thankful, has this happened to anybody else?




  1. The very same thing happened to me with my daughter. I went to the hospital with pain on my side they did a ultrasound did not see a baby. They told me to see a ob/gyn the next day. So when I went he told me that I was miscarrying and that I should pass her within the week. I was suppose to come back the next week if nothing had happened then he was going to do a dnc. Anyway nothing happened so I went back to the dr the next week and he wanted to send me to the hospital for the dnc. I refused and had him do another ultrasound and there she was with a heartbeat. I was wrong on my dates and now i have a beautiful 7 year old. Everything may be fine.  

  2. With your irregular cycles, more than likely your dates are off.  With the hCg level as high as it is, and yes it is consistent with about a 5-week pregnancy, your baby is doing fine.

    I would suggest that the next time you see your obstetrician, you have another ultrasound, both if you would feel better, and see what your obstetrician feels.

    I know when I was pregnant I was off by six-weeks on my dates.  Irregular cycles just really s***w you up with pregnancies.

    Good luck.

  3. my friend is expecting a baby on april the 1st her last period was june the 20th and she is nearly 10 weeks,

    the fetus measured 8 weeks at her 8 week scan and had a heart beat,

    her hcg levels are 1450 at 6 weeks I'm not sure about now,

    it could be you ovulated later than you thought but doctors are supposed to know what they are doing but i wish you luck hun

  4. My date changed 3 times with 3 different ultrasounds. I would just wait until your next one and see how the baby is developing. I had my little boy July 15th which was right in the middle of all my dates and he is perfect nothing wrong and no problems. So really relax because you shouldn't be putting stress on your body or the baby.

  5. I have an irregular period and my due date is set for September 20 from an ultrasound, but it could be wrong, i hope not because I'm ready for labor!! Anyways, you should get a follow up on the results you received at the hospital to confirm how far along you really are.  You should not be stressed one thing is for sure and that's that you have a living baby in there so be happy :-) just make sure that you know what is going on, even if you have to try every doctor in your area so that you feel comfortable.  

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