
I really don't know what to do?

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recently I have asked my friends to remove some photos of me on face book making clear which ones they are. One of my friends removed one of them but not the other and my other friend hasn't removed any! or even replied. Its ridiculous just because they think something is ok doesn't mean everyone does. what should I do?




  1. this is the trouble with these internet sites you have no control.

    Go round her house and go in and get her to log on and remove them otherwise you will contact facebook and ask them to remove it!!!

  2. I am afraid that this is a stalemate. I do agree that it is annoying for people to post photos that one may not want seen, no matter what the reason.

    In any case, I do advocate for our right to privacy if we want it.

  3. if possible, talk to them about it once more face to face, and if they still do nothing, report it to facebook admin.

  4. Insist as much as you can on trying to make them remove them. If they don't remove these photos, you can ask your friends to use their pc's when you go to their houses and if they let you, remove the photos on your own!

    It 's not a very nice reaction, but your friends didn't respect you too.

  5. do the same thing to them and see how they like it :D

    if its really bothering you ... you should just do it worserr to themm ...hahah ... i want to watch you do it :D :D  

  6. Unless they're uploading some obscene pictures of you, I don't really see what's wrong, your friends are proud to have you as a friend! Why do you  sound ashamed?

    Ok, maybe they posted some pictures of you in some silly or embarrassing situations, but years from now, you look back to this day and you will laugh about it. Reminiscing about the days back then.

    What should you do? Nothing!

  7. There should be a way to report the photo. I know there's a button/link around all photos that let you report them.

  8. Get some embarrassing pictures of him/her and plaster them all over the web.

  9. Tell them seriously once again and make it clear to them that this is what you want.

  10. Keep bugging them unyil they do! They'll remove them eventually- just nag nag nag

  11. Just remove the tag to your name - that way anyone searching for your name won't find them and they only way they'll come across them is if they're looking at your friend's page.

    Other than that, you're going to have to keep pestering your friend, if you really think it's a problem.

  12. Sorry to say, but YOU can not dictate which photos your friends put on THEIR facebook.  If photos of you were taken doing something not so flattering, what you can do is don't put yourself in that position again.

  13. Don't do anything, there's nothing more to do about it.

  14. They're not doing anything against facebook rules with the photos but they cant be very good friends if they're having a laugh at your expense and ignoring you, i would be more worried about that then just a couple of bad photos if i were you

  15. go to house andoffer to help remove the B**** in me says find a pictureof them they hate but realy try talking in person  offer to help in case they "do not know how"

  16. It's simple: report them for harassment on Facebook.

  17. There isn't much you can do but perhaps post some of them that they may not like, to show them what it feels like.

  18. report abuse to the administrator,or punch him next time u see him

  19. Maybe your one friend has not been on face book since and not gotten your message.  Maybe you should speak with them face to face about it instead of over a message. Or the pictures really that bad?  What about them don't you like?  Is it possible they can crop the pictures to cut you out?  I would think about how good of a friendship it is if they wont take down pictures for you.  If they are just pictures of you that you don't think you look the best in, I wouldn't really worry about it either. If they are like an embarassing position or something than I would keep pushing it.    

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