
I really don't like my boyfriends catshe scratches my daughter to the point she (MY KID) is scared @ home?

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my daughter doesnt bother the cat. shes too old to be declawed. i already cut her nails. ive tried to get an animal rescue to take her but they wont unless she is a stray and i dont want to bring her to the animal shelter. ive already got rid of one of his cats and he got over it. and its not that i dont like pets i have a ferret and a dog and have had plenty of other pets that i loved. i have even put an add online, but how many people are going to want a 6 year old cat that doesnt like anyone but me? does she have a better chance if i put her outside, the animal shelter, or what???




  1. get rid of the cat

  2. Consider have the cat declawed if it needs to remain part of the family unit. I had mine declawed and she never scratches us or the furniture up. At least it's something to consider....or maybe the cat needs to find a new tree to climb!

  3. Cats usually don't scratch unless kids bother them.   I'd make sure the cat and the child were never in a room alone together (even if that means shutting a door on the cat sometimes); and I'd make sure the child doesn't go near the cat.

    Small children especially often do things that hurt animals, even though they don't mean it.  Then the animals are afraid and scratch; or else, if the child is "bad" enough they'll get defensive the minute they see the child.

    That's why it's usually better to make sure little kids don't touch pets until they're old enough (and unless the pet is the type to want that).  Otherwise, a whole scared-of-each-other cycle gets started.

  4. You need to start supervising your child more then.  Keep her away from the cat or consider getting rid of the cat or get rid of the boyfriend.  You have to figure out which is more important, your boyfriend and his cat or your child.

  5. First, ask your bf to trim the cats claws every other week.  That should have been a nobrainer, but he's a guy.  They don't think of these things.  Secondly, is the cat acting aggressively toward your daughter or does your daughter approach the cat and then it scratches? It may be to your advantage to talk to an animal behaviorist to find out why the cat is doing that and to learn how to resolve the problem.   Some cats are aggressive due to fear, and believe me, a kid clomping around scares the bejeebers out of my 2 cats as they aren't accustomed to the sound (they don't scratch however).

    If you don't like cats, then I think it's time to move out and find a more compatible relationship.

  6. have the bf visit you and leave the cat at home.  that will solve all future problems.

  7. If your boyfriend is not helping you with this problem, than you need to rethink your relationship. Your kid's security  and safety is more important than the cat.

    Either the cat needs to go or the boyfriend!

  8. what is more important, your child or the cat?

    oops the cat ran away!

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