
I really don't like throwing stuff out that will just take up space in landfills and never break down.?

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Anyone know any way I can recycle old razor blades or make use of them?




  1. Have you tried the recycling place in Eldorado?  Used to be called Eldorado Enterprise.  Also contact local contracters that strip paint or local wallpapering businesses.  Razor blades are an excellent way to strip paint, wallpaper and anything you want to remove in a narrow space.  Contact furniture refurbishing places.  If nothing else contact local barbers and ask them what they do with their razor blades and see if you can't find a resource from them.

  2. OMG.  I know exactly what you mean.  Metal NEVER breaks down.  

    Have you ever heard of RUST????

  3. i know how you feel, I feel guilty  when i look at all of the c**p that i have collected...I wish that i could tell you ... but you are not alone

  4. I know of a use...



    I am S.Riya Subbu. I want to save our Earth with your help.

    We are living under the control of Pancha Bhoot ( Water,Air,Fire,Earth, Universe).

    Now frequently Earth Quake/Tsunami/Typhoon  is coming  all over World and destroying all Human beings/Livelihood/House/Building/Bridges... Stock  within a second. Also now days Global Warming is going on Alarmingly. Excess Rain/Flood destrying our Life.

    Recently Canada  also face Earth Quake Problem. In Indonesia also facing Earth Quake Problem  frequently.

    Please you all join with me to save our EARTH.

    Do the following simple Systems in your House/Office/Working Place/Your Street/Your Society/Flat.

    1.Are you saving  the following items in your House/Office/Work Place?

    1. Current

    2. Water


    4.Gas ( LPG & CNG).

    5.White Papper/News Paper

    6. Wood

    7. Cooking Oil

    Note: the above all necessary for Day to Day Life. Please Try to Reduce the usage.

    2. Are your Keeping your House free of the following items?

    1.Plastic Free. Don’t Store Plastic Bags/Cups/Spoon( for example. Take Cotton Bag with you to market/Shopping)

    2.Unutilised items like broken Cycle/Old TV Cover/broken Table/Chairs/Tyres/ Un Utilised/Non Repairable items like Bike/Car/Mixer/Washing Machine/Cooler/Utensils.

    Note: Please Dispose this items which is not is use. Sent it for Re-Cycle.

    3. What type of Conveyance are you using?

    1.Car    2.Two Wheeler  3.Cycle 4.Using Public Transportation/Train

    Note: Utilise Public Transportation/Sharing Auto/Car. You can avoid Traffic Jam/Parking Problem.Keep one two wheeler/One Car/One House for each family.( Don’t buy more than that). It will help us reduce Petrol Expenses/Pollution/Parking/Traffic Jam.

    4. How many Children are you having

    1. one  2. Two 3. More than Two 4. Unmarried

    Note: Make one or Two Children only. Give them Good Food/Education/Shelter.

    If population is more pollution is more.

    5. Are Short out your Cub Board/Wardrobe?

    1.Once in a Month  2. Once in 6 Months 3. Not at all doing  

    Note: Short out Your Wardrobe/Cup Board/Working Table/House Kitchen free of unnecessary items. Give your Books/Old Pant/Saree/Shirt  to Poor/Needy.

    6.What type of Gift are you giving to your Relatives & Friends?

    1.Toys/Games 2. Greeting Card  3. Flower Bouque 4.Saplings like Rose/X- MasTree

    Note: Please present Flowers/Anthorium Saplings/Rose/Seeds of Different type of Seeds as Gift to your Friends/Relatives.This will reduce the waste of Plastics Paper/Balloon/Wrapper/Cartoon Box.


    1. Avoid Smoking/Chewing Tobacco/pan and avoid Smoking/Spitting in Public Place. Smoking leads to Health disorder and it is leads to Cancer.

    2. Avoid wasting Food in House/Function. If food is excess, please share the food with Poor. Take limited food in your Plate. Do not throw in dust Bin.

    3. Avoid dumping Materials in House/Office. Be Plan before buying any Materials.

    4. Avoid unnecessary Travels. Be plan before Travel.

    5. Pray Rivers. But Do not throw Plastic Bags/Garbage on River. ( I have seen many people are throwing Garbage bag in river. Rivers are very Important for our Life.

    6. Do not use Coluring Agent for Hair. It will make eye irritation/Stain in Shirt collar/Pillow Cover/Bed Sheets.

    7. Do Simple Marriage. This will help us to save Money/Food/Transportation/ Reduce  arrangements etc.

    Please Run Cycle (if your office/School is near to your Hose) for your Health/Wealth.

    Running Cycle is keep your Body Fit. Also it helps us to reduce Petrol Bill/Pollution/Weight/Bulging Stomach/Obesity/Gas trouble in stomach and of course reduce your Petrol Bill/Medical Bill.

    Please spread this Message to all your Family Members/Relation/Friends/Office Colleague/To  School /College/To your village/To your Society etc


    Please share your suggestion/Views with me thro  e.mail

  6. I commend you for being so good to earth!  BUT I have never heard of any place to recycle razor blades.  YOU mean plastic razors or just the blades?  I imagine they don't have recycling for blades because they are dangerous to handle.  

    Perhaps you can find an alternative such as  "Preserve Razor Triple" made by a company called Recycline. Maybe there are others

  7. I'm not sure about razor blades...somebody mentioned paint shops for stripping paint...that's an excellent idea.

    Another thing that is bad for the environment...plastic bags. They are not biodegradable and are toxic to the environment, humans, and animals.

    You can get reuseable shopping bags at Kroger (Choose to Reuse) for $.99 for the non insulated ones and $2.99 for the insulated ones. Using them just 10 times a person would cut down alot on the plastic bags that clutter our highways and landfills.

    Also, buying drinks in glass bottles would also help. Glass is also recycleable, so it would cut down tremendously on the waste.

    You can sign the no-plastics pledge on Leonardo DiCaprio's website...even though not everyone is a fan, we can all help keep our world cleaner together. I signed the pledge to not use plastics for 2 weeks.

    And if you can't limit your plastic use, you can also snip the plastic thingys on 6 pack soda cans...sometimes these make their way to our lakes and oceans, catching small animals in them and killing them.

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