
I really don't want to be a ****** so I need some advice?

by  |  earlier

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well tonight, I found out that my best friend likes the new kid...and so do i, except i didn't tell her. She was hesitant though, she said she didn't really like him that much: she was just getting to know him, and she thought he was cute and she kind of likes him. I really do like him though, I think more than she does and he flirts with me all the time and told my friend that he likes me. He hasn't done anything yet but I have a gut feeling he's going to ask me out and if he does I want to say yes but i also don't want to be a backstabber. So do you think she would mind? Or if he asks me should i just ask him to give me a day and talk to her before I talk to him? Or should I just totally forget about him?




  1. if you reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally like him then go for him

    even though you friend might get cut about it,, if your really close ask her about it,, tell her u like him

    then if he asks u out shell know that u liked him for ages too and it would b fair as she already knew that u liked him before u started going out

    good luck,, hope your freind aint the jealous type,,, if she is and this causes problems then u may need to find a new friend

    a true friend would b happy for ya xxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Tell your friend you  like him too but if he asks you out tell your friend and if she accepts it go out with him but this  is a risk with your friendship but if she really likes him do not go out with him because a boy is not worth your friendship

  3. just go for it

    girls will get over crushes if she's really your friend she'll be happy for you.

    She'll find someone else. But also remember that friendships are way more important then getting the guy - ask her if shes alright with it.. My best friend has had a huge crush on my boyfriend for 4 years but shes been kind enough to accept that he likes me. Make sure you don't hurt her in the process though.  

  4. She needs to know. She is your best friend and best friends shouldn't hide secrets from each other. That's called not being trustworthy.

    As for the guy, if she has a problem with you liking him, get over him for a while. Wait until she doesn't like him anymore and then tell her that there is still some feelings. Don't rush things. And there are plenty of fish in the sea.


  5. I would have a heart to heart with her first, before he has a chance to ask either of you anything. Figure out where you both stand with this guy, this way neither of you hurt the other and lose a friend.

  6. Well talk to your friend about it,

    and see what she has to say about him.

    If she doesn't mind you saying yes,

    go for it.  

  7. well this is tuff

    i wouldn't go out with him because this could put a strain on your friendship

    but talk to her about it then make your decision after

  8. If i were you I would just talk to your friend and tell her you like him to but was gunna say something but she said something first and  you did not want to hurt her feelings. that if he asked you out you would like to say yes would she be mad or something like that.

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