
I really feel like i have been treated enfairly... read the additional info for the story?

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Okay i am a really good volleyball player so i tried out for the schools team everyone said that i was going to make even i thought i was... i am really good for my height a lot better than people that are taller than me at the last try-out the coach said some of you are going to make it because your tall, i was kind of discouraged when he said that... when i check the team list i wasnt on it everyone thought i should of been but now i found out the coach didnt put me on cause he didnt like my family how mean... now that one of the people on the team is injured (just one of the people who aren't as good as me, but tall) cant play so he asked one of my best friends to come to the practices when he is DEFINATLEY not as good as me. I worked really hard harder than anyone else aand none of it payed off. I am thinking of talking to the coach what should i say...???




  1. If you really want to play, definitely talk to him. Let him know his problems with your family don't have to extend to you. Learning to resolve conflicts like this will help you in so many areas of your life. If it's feasible, have your family call or speak to him and try to work out their problems so that this won't affect you going forward.

  2. its not worth it

    coach's have personal opinions they can't help it

    and someone always gets shitcanned from a team

    its like a law

  3. Tell the coach that you would love to play, and you have been working hard to make the team. If he is still having problem, ask him which part you need to work on so that you can make the team next year.

    He is not supposed to tell you that you would never be able to make his team, so he has to tell you something that could eventually to your benefit.

    Just remember you goal is not just to make the team, your goal is to make yourself a better player, with his team or with a club team. You want to take every single opportunity to learn from others, and improve yourself.

  4. that is unfair.

    i had sorta the same problem.(except it was basketball)

    &my coach didn't want because i am tall.(weirdweirdweird, i know)

    really, sports, as is most everything else, is about politics.sad, but true.

    You should ask him/her what it is that you need to work on to be better than them.

    Also, consider joining a club team.

    They really help you improve. And if you dont think this coach will put you on the team next yr (or be gone). ANd you feel you may have a future at volleyball, consider switching schools.

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