
I really hate mt mum

by Guest66769  |  earlier

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i dont know were to start, she is just a bloody *****, she pretends to like me to every1 one else but at home she is bloody different, she prefers my sister and never agrees with me. she spends money like h**l then complains that we r poor cuz i watch to much tv wen i aint even at home, she buyz c**p that we dont even need and says that i dont care about the house cos i cant clean properly. she doesnt bother to clean or cook for me or even try and wash my clothes so i always end up doing it and im just 14, even wen i try to talk to her she either ignores me or wen my fights with me its always my fault, she yells at saying that she could kill me and smash my head against the wall and throws a chair at me. i cant do anything because its here word against mine and my dad lives abroad




  1. omg i'm going through the same mother always prefers my sister to me.she always yells and says stuff like"get the h**l away from me" and then she gives me ten different chores to do at once and complains when i can't get them all done.lucky for me though,i'm nearly eighteen so at least i'll get to move out soon

  2. Omg, I had the same exact problem! Only that was when I was around 12 and my parents got divorced. I guess i'll tell you my story.

    So like I said my parents got divorced when I was 12. (14 now.) It started out when my mom made my dad move out so it was just my mom and my us 4 kids. Me, my little sisters Jenna and Lacey (7 and 9 now) and my little brother (11 now). Me and my mom started having these little arguments and eventually turned into my grandpa coming over and yelling at me that I need bootcamp. Bootcamp? Are you kidding? I was pi**ed dude! It was my mother who was practically SCREAMING in my ear that I was a 'stupid kid'. Something else I wanted to tell you was that I did talk to my dad every night, because when i was little I had a very close relationship with my dad. So one day after a fight that ended up with me in tears, I told my mother that I wanted to move in with my dad. I talked to my dad about it and he said it was perfectly fine with him. But don't get me wrong, it took me about a month to convince her and one day when we got in another fight she finally said 'fine go move in I DON'T CARE!' and other sh*t so I packed my stuff and my dad came to get me.


    So fast forward now, I currently live in a townhouse with me, my dad, his girlfriend (she is very caring and smart, with 2 master degrees!) and my 3 cats. Right now we are trying to let my little sister move in because my mom is neglecting her.. as in my mom is always yelling at her for no reason (she's only 7!) And sometimes just comes home from work she doesn't even bother cooking dinner or anything - she locks herself in her room and leaves her kids to make something for herself. But right now we are going to court to fight for my little sister to live with us..

    Hopefully in the future we will have all of my brothers and sisters with us again!

    Sorry this was really long but I needed to get this off my chest!


  3. Wow! I feel so bad for you! It must really suck. Okay on to the advice.

    Well, you said that your mother says stuff like I'll kill you?! That's not cool!!! She also said that she could smash your head against the wall. These are threats it's not safe to live with someone that threatens you. So try contacting someone you can trust and talk to, tell them everything! Even that your mom throws chairs at you.

    This is very important and could become serious!!

    Good luck!! =]  

  4. I'm sorry to hear you're having such a tough time at home. How old is your sister?  I know at 14 years old, there always seems to be strife between the Mother and the Daughter. It's a very hard time for both of you. Has there always been a problem between you and your mother or just recently?  There's a lot of unanswered questions here that make it nearly impossible to give a good but uneducated guess to your question. Why don't you just sit down with your mother and have a heart to heart talk with her about how you're feeling, etc. Don't let your attitude show if you really want to resolve some of your problems. Work with your Mother and try to understand with your Dad living out of the country, she's having to shoulder a heavy load by herself. If you lighten up on her, she'll lighten up on you. Good luck.  
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