
I really hate my mom?

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i just really dont like/hate my mom. for absolutely no reason. shes just really annoying. shes a good mom i guess but i just hate her. i cant stand to be around her it just makes me sick. is this normal? like is there anyone that feels the same way?




  1. you don't hate her just dislike her thats all

  2. I think aside from the normal ups and down, true hate comes from somewhere deep.  There is an underlying reason for this, I think.

    I really hated my mother.  She screamed at me, hit me, said horrible things, and let it be known she didn't care.  Your situation doesn't have to be that extreme, but if you look into yourself, something is not going right.  "She's a good mom", I guess.  That doesn't sound too positive.

    Annoyed, impatient, and just wanting to be free absolutely normal.

    But she makes you sick to be around her.

    My suggestion is to keep a private journal, & try to let out your true feelings. Then when you get a handle on it, talk to her.

  3. I understand that as an adolescent your mom may annoy you, but she is your mom.  She gave you life, takes care of your needs, and hurts when you hurt.  You will understand one day that you quite often annoyed the c**p out of her.  Be glad that your mom cares enough about what's going on in your life to ask annoying questions.  There are moms out there that only care about their own lives and could care less about their kids.  Give your mom a break - she loves you.  You may be a parent one day - would you want your child hating you?

  4. Well, it depends on how old you are. Most teenagers are like that. But I think you should change your ways, because your mother isn't always going to be there for you. And when she's not you're going to remember the way you treated her, and how you wish you could go back in time and fix your behavior.

  5. I think that their are times that all kids hat their parents for no good reason and as you know their is no real reason for it then it is more likely you will get over it latter in life just try not to destroy your relationship with your mom for life

    Good luck  

  6. how old are you?

    have you allways felt this way about her?

  7. i hear ya. but probably when you are older like if you get prego, she'd always want to be around the baby and help you out i guess. but i wouldnt know

  8. your mom cares about you,

    you say you hate her but you know that you really don't.

    she supports you, and you give her no credit for that?

    she will be there for you always, she loves you,

    yes it is normal for a teen to feel that way.

    and im sure when you are older you and your mom will be a lot closer than you are now.

    but dont say you hate your mom.

    hate is such a strong word.

    think about all the things she does for you.

    she'll go to the worlds end to help you.

    appreciate the things she does for you.

  9. you should really try to see her as the reason why you are alive asking this question, your mom has done allot for you, i guess you will grow out of it

  10. I feel the exact same way you do. There are times when I feel bad for hating her, but then when she's around I just tell her to go away, or shes annoying me. I hate the way she calls so much, the way she has these annoying little tendencies, the way she says things, does things, how stupid she can be, how the simplest things go right over her head, how imature she is, how stupid her decisions are, everything about her. It's completely normal for some ppl to feel that way... I've come to terms with it. And honestly, the reason I hate her so much is for her failings as a parent when I was little.. that might be the reason behind your feelings. I am the way I am because of ME... not her. She did absolutely nothing to raise me and I turned out fine. Some people take parents to be these superior beings who are supposed to be respected and loved, why? Because they gave birth to you? Animals don't appreciate parents as much as humans do... why? Are they considered abnormal because they aren't as attached to their parents as humans are? I never understood how ppl can just say i love you to their parents... I can't, I haven't since i was very little. I don't even remember the last time I said I love you to my mom... cuz i don't. I hate my dad who disowned me. I'm fine without both of them. She's nothing more than the being who gave me life... there are times when I wish she hadn't but what can u do. I'm not suicidal, I'm just realistic, living for myself, and when I have kids, I will respect them, and not ridicule them or neglect them the way she did. By the way, I'm no teenager, I'm 23 years old, full grown adult, still hate her... always will. I don't think I'll get over it at this point, but thats okay. I've come to terms with it.

  11. Do you know how lucky you are to even have a mom? There are so many kids that do not have moms and would love to have one and you are sitting back hating your mom for no reason at all?

    How would you feel if your mom died tomorrow and you are sitting here saying "I hate my mom"?

  12. It might help to know how old you are. But since this question was posted in adolescent, I'm assuming you are a teenager.

    I can't speak for everyone, and each situation is unique, but I did really despise my mom for several years when I was a teenager. I think it is part of the separation process that is natural for us to grow up and "leave the nest."

    If it helps ... I love my mom now and she is one of my best friends. =)

  13. well you obviously dont hate her.

    you just find her annoying.

    you said it yourself, shes a good mom

    so theres no reason to hate her

  14. you need a major reality check!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish your mom would kick you out of HER house then see if you hate her that much

  15. unless your mom abuses, abandonned, or neglects you, or if she hates you back, then I don't see any real reason why you should hate the woman that gave you life.

  16. You have a real problem if you hate your own mother just because she's irritating. I'm sure you get pretty irritating at times, and she doesn't hate you. Save hate for some one that tortures you and ruins your life, tries to kill you and everyone you love. You just haven't had to deal with anyone truly bad.  

  17. honey I think we have all felt this way at one point or another now maybe hate is a strong word... you love your mother deep down inside dont you/

    i think its normal to be perturbed or annoyed by someones actions etc

    get as angry as you want just dont put her out of your heart and maybe you should have a talk with her about whats frustrating you (maybe you should think about what the root cause of your frustration is first) and who knows things could change...

    talking about it might help but yes i have felt this way before

  18. You know... dont say you hate your mom... she does everything for you, feeds you and pays fro everything. Im guessing your a young teenager who doesnt understand that in a few years you will be best friends with your mom... thats the way it was with my mom and grandma...

    just think about it... you really really do love her, you know it.

  19. Sometimes people annoy me for no reason too, you'll get over it :D

  20. well, its normal for parents and kids to get into fights...

    But not if they are abusing you of coarse!

    I think thats how a lot of mothers and fathers are. But you will appreciate it in the long run like everyone says.. haha
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