
I really hate the term Latina/hispanic. It only exists in the US and lumps everyone from Latin America.?

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what do you think? Hispanic is not a race! There are people from ALL over the world who live in Latin America. Blonds, blacks,everybody. Did you even know this? I feel like the term hispanic was created to make things easier for Americans to classify.




  1. well, i hate the term 'white' - it lumps everyone from europe in one nice neat little pile.  do you even know this?

  2. Ahh labels Lasata, we do use them don't we.  When the word Hispanic is used it refers to a culture.  I do realize that, if you come from Guatamala you are Guatamalan or if from Columia, Columbian and I do think it is right to use that kind of specific word as opposed to a generalized category.

    I feel similar about being called "Western" as if I wear a cowboy hat and have six guns on my belt.  I am not Western, I am an American.

    Thumbs up for the good thought Lasata.

  3. Most people are aware that the term "hispanic" covers people from many countries and cultures. The kicker is... NO ONE CARES.

    All they focus on is if you come from a SPANISH SPEAKING culture/country. If you do.. your hispanic.

    But when it comes to seperating Mexico, cuba, Puerto Rico, Bolivia, Peru, etc etc etc.. NO ONE REALLY CARES.

    That's just reality.

  4. This is true.  In researching my family's history in Puerto Rico I came across the 1920, and 1930 census reports.  In these reports my ancestors were listed as "white".  They were not of the "indian" or "Island Native" culture, therefore they were "white".  Just remember, that you  can be called latina, hispanic, american, latin-american, hispanic-american or by any label, but as long as you label yourself as a good and worthwhile person--there is nothing to worry about.

  5. can you imagine how the Chinese, Koreans, Vietnamese, Cambodians and Japanese feel about being lumped in as Asian Americans?

    How About the Polish, Italians, french, British, German, Swiss and Bulgarians being considered European Americans?

    We all have our pet peeves, and apparently, this is yours.  I wouldn't waste too much time on it, because at this point, nobody really gives a c**p if you're offended.

  6. I can think or more odios names for people who can trace their ancestry and heritage to Spain.

  7. Very good point.  If anything, hispanic people are related to Native Americans.  Mestizo is the term for part Native-part European.  

  8. we are called hispanic because we speak Spanish.

  9. True, hispanic is not a race.  It is an ethnicity.  Have you considered the possibility that these "labels" (hispanic, black, etc.) were created because the people in these labeled groups were making a fuss that they weren't being fairly represented in some way (remember affirmative action)?  You can't have it both ways.  If you don't like the term, don't use it.

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