
I really hate to ask about something paranormal but I'm really scared to death?

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Ok, this is really scarin the **** out of me. I'm native american so I believe in the paranormal and everything so I don't know what to think. One night I was laying in bed and I felt like something was holding me down and I couldn't move and I felt like I was being raped but there was nothing and nobody there. I couldn't scream out and I don't know why and I tried my hardest to, and this is like the third time its happened. Please this is serious, will someone try and help me figure this out?




  1. Maybe you should try going to a doctor and getting help there. I think it would be a good idea.

  2. You need to call either Art Bell or George Noorey. They are experts in the area of the supernatural.

    Look on the net

  3. I am so sorry for your experience. No doubt you are very frightened.

    Based on the details you provided it sounds to me like you likely an entity preying on you, and that needs to be stopped.

    The first thing you need to do is smudge your house. If possible get a smudge stick (which is a bundle of dried sage and sometimes cedar) Light the end and walk around your house counter clockwise. Go around doorways, windows and mirrors.

    Be very careful when you do this. Flakes of coal may blow off, and you need to be aware of that. If you burn your house down you will have bigger problems. :)

    Also, if you have a connection to God, I recommend that you pray as well for protection and guidance.

    Our thoughts are very powerful and you will attract to you that which you think most about. Therefore if you believe that entity is going to come and attack you again, in a way you are inviting it. Therefore its important to keep your mind focused on being safe and secure.

    I hope this makes sense, if you have any questions, feel free to email me.


  4. a bad spirit in your home is my guess. i hear of such things all the may be a way of a relative trying to communcate with you as well....its happened to my mom...she stated my dead uncle was seating on her feet which prevented her from could also be when u are in a state between being conscious or unconscious

  5. What you described sounds very much like sleep paralysis. It's quite terrifying -- I've experienced it myself. There's nothing paranormal about it, however. Look it up on the web. Knowing what it is will make it a bit easier to get through next time it happens.

  6. I read a book by Sylvia Brown in which she talks about astral projection where you leave your body. Some people say when they have been in hospital they seem to hover above their body and then reenter it. She said sometimes when you have that feeling it just that you are having a hard time reentering your body. Maybe you could be sensitive to spirits around you since you are native american. I had a similar experience one time. I went to the Houdini Magical Hall Of Fame in Niagara Falls Ontario. I was looking at a picture of Houdini that was hanging there. I could have sworn I felt a hand brush my  cheek. When I mentioned it to the tour guide he said they had a lot of people say the same thing.

  7. This is definitly not a supernatural experience. It is something I have dealt with a lot in my life.

    It is called sleep paralysis and it accounts for incubus, succubus, aliens, and all kinds of creatures and legends all over the world.

    It can be caused by several things.

    Narcilepsy, sleep apnea or other sleeping disorders can cause these to occur frequently.

    Stress can cause them, and when the stress is gone they will stop.

    Sleep patterns. Napping, or changing shifts at work will cause this.

    The most important thing to realize is that there are no demons, or ghosts or anything to be afraid of when this happens.

    Actually, I had a small bout of sleep paralysis this morning. I got out of bed and an hour later I laid back down. It felt like someone sat down on my bed and I thought my wife was there, when I opened my eyes it was a black demon holding me down.

    Still it can be a little frightning while it is happening, but it takes some of the edge off if you realize it is just a hallucination.

    It is the mind going into a dream state and the bodies motor skills are shut down, but the conscious mind is still alert. This is what causes it.

    Look up sleep paralysis online, more people than you realize have this happen to them.

  8. Get sage and smudge the the entire home.  This is a native american way.  Lite the smudge stick and walk through the entire home allowing the smoke to reach every corner.  this will help.  You should know someone in your life that can help you.

  9. Why are you wasting time looking for answers at this place!? Go to a doctor..

  10. i had the same thing happen to me exsept the rape but i didn,t know what it was at first till i told my mother they are called black shadow people it,s a demon. imagan  your in a white light and ask god to take it a a nother place out of your house.

  11. a poltergeist see a psychologist or a priest

  12. You did not really provide enough details.

    There are two possibilities.

    1. You may have a visitor. On my Yahoo blog; I have included several methods for protecting yourself.

    2. If these occurances happen just when you wake up; it is possible that you are experiencing a condition called sleep paralysis.

    Sleep praralysis is a feature to protect us from carrying out the actions in our dreams where we could be injured or killed.

    Sleep paralysis is where the mind awakes before the soul can reattach to the body. Next time do NOT try to move large muscle groups because you can't, and that will cause tou to get scared, and extend the paralysis.

    Try mocing a small muscle (like a finger or toe). This will help the soul and body re-attach then go about your day.

  13. Go and see a priest.  A doctor won't be able to tell you anything but that you were hallucinating.

  14. This happened to me some years ago I was staying at a motel and I woke up to this black thing on top of me. I prayed and it disappeared but it was definitely an entity. please pray and surround yourself in white light

  15. it is possible that you were just haveing a very vivid dream, or it is possible that there was something more sinister at work here. you can practice taking control of both your dreams and of sinister forces that may be operating in this manner. there are some good channeling techniques that can be learned to deal with these issues.

  16. That happens to me every night too. I was raped by some pretty spirit.what an experience every night...Do u know th name of the spirit ? i know mine.. her name is "pretty rapist".

  17. Nevermind the priest, and skip past the doctor; 99% of such experiences arise (thankfully) from within.  You really do need to find assistance, and I strongly suggest you contact a psychotherapist.  A REAL one.  I do NOT think you're "crazy" since these episodes are real events in your life; but only a trained professional can help you work it out.  This is WHAT THEY DO.

    A priest will blame the devil or demonic spirits.  Big help there.  And the MD will refer you to the therapist.  So, cut out the 'middle man' and go get some sane, sober help.  Best of luck to you!

  18. yes i have heard of those type of things happening, are you in a haunted house.

  19. you got raped by a polterguiest ouch

  20. If you are sure it wasn't physical, it could be a result of a type of hallucination caused by sleep paralysis. Of courser the are legends of spirits/demons called Incubi who do that very thing.I am descended from American Indians . I had two great grandmothers who were full blood (Iroquois) I also am a believer in thing that exist outside our range of perception.

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