
I really hurt my shoulder during a volleyball game, what should i do?

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I really hurt my shoulder during a volleyball game, what should i do?




  1. ice it for about 20 mins. do this for a day or two and if it keeps hurting, go see a doctor to make sure that you haven't seriously injured it. make sure you stop playing for now, so you dont cause any more problems.

  2. do to the doctor. our libero hurt her shoulder over the summer but she insisted it was fine until it really started to hurt more towards the season. she went to the doctor and found out the 2 bones in her shoulder had seperated. she couldnt serve or set much for season because it hurt too bad. so go to the doctor asap!

  3. go see a doctor or trainer. they will know how to diagnose an injury. until then, don't play volleyball or any sport that uses the shoulder. ice your shoulder 20 min every hour if your shoulder is swelling. when you sleep, sleep on your side. don't do anything that will cause pain. it could just be that you banged up your shoulder and you will experience pain for a while, or you could have dislocated it. don't let anyone but a doctor or trainer diagnose your shoulder, though, they could be wrong, and cause you to injure your shoulder even more.

  4. Go to the doctor dummy!

  5. Well i play volleyball too and i have hurt my shoulder so you wanna ice for 20 and heat for 20 minutes everyday or before you go to bed. If you have a trainer at your school go to the trainer and tell them what happened and they should tell you. Another recommendation is streching your arms and shoulders.You could also use icy hot.

  6. go to the doctor. you dont want to ignore it and end up totally messing it up again later. maybe its nothing and will be fine in a couple weeks, but you never know.

  7. You should seek medical attention, and stop all activity that uses your shoulder.

    Note - that a lot injuries can be self healing, but you have to stop completely on using that, which is injured.

    One time I dislocated my shoulder, and all the hospital did, was strap me up, so that my shoulder healed itself, over time.  I seriously injured my back - and I had complete bed rest over 5 days, and was completely healed.

    Anyway - spiking should be done, without the use of your shoulder muscles.  That your spiking should come from the bent elbow that straightens - this is the best spiking technique, with the wrist curling (upon contact with the volleyball).  You develop the very fast elbow flick, which becomes your spike.

    Anyone who uses their shoulder for their spiking, always suffer from shoulder aches later.

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