
I really like a highschooler??

by Guest60924  |  earlier

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I really like these guys in highschool. I am in 8th grade. They are in 9th grade. Is this okay? If so should I make the first move??




  1. Just keep liking the guys. It's fun an exciting but you don't need to take it further. Especially since there's more than one--it's not serious enough. What will come of it if you do make a move? Let's say you start dating--you think it'll last until marriage? For life? Not when you're only in 8th grade. You're setting yourself up for heartbreak.

  2. Keep doin what ure doin somebody will come to u

  3. A one year age difference is no big deal. When I met my boyfriend, I was in 10th grade and he was in 11th. We've been together for about 2 years now... But everyone is different. Sometimes in public schools, it might not be considered a social norm to date someone in middle school while you're in highschool. It's silly, but highschool is full of silly, pointless social "norms". It would mean extra paperwork would have to be signed if you go with him to danaces at his school, or if he goes with you, and some highschools wont allow middle schoolers to attend their social events (though this is easily changed. I managed to get the rule changed in the few months I attended public highschool, and it aparently hasn't been changed back yet). But if he's a afriend and a good person who likes you, thata shouldn't matter.

    If you're homeschooled (this is the homeschool section) then there should be no problem at all. As long as he's a good person who treats you well and with respect and you like him, I say go for it and good luck! There's nothing wrong with a girl making the first move, but that first move doesn't have to be big. I'd invite him out to the movies one night or to a homeschool dance or a dance or party at a local community center. Just spend time with him, show interest in him and in his interests, and show him good things about yourself. Maybe offer to work on school together some time if there's an area he needs help in or can help you with, or if you both have a strong interest in a certain subject. Just spend time with him and let him get to know you, and as time goes on, start to show your feelings a little. Show that he matters to you, and if worse comes to worse and he doesn't pick up on it or if he seems shy, just tell him that you like him. Write it in a note if you want so you get your wording right and really say what's on your mind, or just think in advance of how you'll say it and tell him in person. Just don't rush things, and don't be discouraged if it doesn't work out. You're young. There will be A LOT of time for meeting boys and forming relationships. Don't rush life.

  4. Why dont you try to make friendswith your fellow students.  Try do this.

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