
I really like pizzas from take away shops such as kebab shops but cannot afford it all the time!

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Although it tastes good I can't get the base the same as the kebab shops or the topping I use Mozzerella cheese just wondering if anyone out there (maybe someone who works in a pizza shop) can tell me exactly how to make it just like the kebab shop.





  1. First thing you need is an oven that goes to 500 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Which you are not going to be able to buy or install, and would cost you about 300 pizzas anyway.

    Or you can build one in your back yard:

  2. I would tell you but I don't want to be responsible for your heart problems and obesity.

  3. your get fat......

  4. I agree try Chicago Town Takeaway pizza... very very good, much better than most takeaway places.

  5. You must be a foreigner. There are few kebab shops in the US, and none offer American style pizza.

  6. Hey why not try something different,

    Pizza base, with Fresh Tomatoe, fresh basil, pineapple,

    use creme freche with a low fat cheese

    popped under the grill till golden

  7. Buy a Chicago Town Takeaway pizza, they are the best!

  8. Just try different varieties from the supermarket till you find a taste you like.

  9. Have you tried the Goodfella's loaded cheese pizza's from the supermarket, they are just as good.... mmmmmmmm


  10.   Why don't you tell them you will help them if they are busy, and then you will get the recipe.

  11. I find using very little sauce is key. Most people overload the pizza with sauce and it comes out to thick and floppy. Spread the sauce with a big spoon, just enough to thinly coat the dough. Then top with cheese and what ever else you desire. I make pizza at my job and was amazed at how little sauce they use, but trust me it makes a difference.  

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