
I really like the warmblood breed and I bben trying to find one for sale but they are really expensive and I ?

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have seen them sold 1500 or less I live in texas so does anybody know where I can get on for 2500 or less in texas




  1. There are many different types of warm bloods.  And they are very expensive. I have never herd of one be sold for less then $10,000.00.  But i am up in New England and we way over pay for every thing here.  Most people i know that have any  type of warmblood had them shipped from Eroupe.  

  2. Any warmblood that costs under $2500 must have some sort of issue, or have the kind of training that isn't ideal.  If I were you, I would look for a less expensive breed like a quarter horse, and you would end up with a better horse for the same price.

  3. it depends on the horse itself. you can get warmbloods, arabs, drafts, welshes for any price, depending on the quality of its personality and training.

    My friends warmblood cost $3000, which is very cheap, but he wasnt competition quality, and his dressage training was lacking, so he was cheap. You can get a regular pleasure warmblood that you can still take over small jumps for about $2000-$5000 or so.

    A medium quality Adult Amature/Junior competition horse will cost $5000-20,000 or so. My warmbloods cost $20000+

    So the prices vary. But texas is not a renowned state for warmbloods, so you may be hard put to find any as cheap as you want. and remember, you get what you pay for. there is not such thing as a bargain with buying horses.

    If you buy a horse for $2500, thats all your gonna get.

    try this site:

    it has warmbloods in texas for sale.

    Good luck!

  4. Warmbloods are very expensive. The only way I think you can get one for $2500 is if you buy one that is retired and only sound enough to be a pasture horse. Warmblood weanlings with no ground training can sell for 7,000-8,000. The only other way would be to buy one that has MAJOR training issues, and I really don't think you want that. You might be able to get on cheaper if its a cross, especially if its an unregistered cross.  

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