
I really like this boy at school. all my friends tell me he likes me to. How can I tell if he likes me back?

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I really like this boy at school. all my friends tell me he likes me to. How can I tell if he likes me back?




  1. A few obvious pointers are, that he may look at you all the time or stare at you for a long period of time. He may also flirt or tease you and generally like to be around you as much as possible. If you want to try a little experiment, try flirting with him, if he responds than you're in and you should ask him out. If not, give him time.


  2. well every guy acts  differently around the girl her are some signs

    he teases you (most of the guys i know do that)

    he tells you jokes

    he stares at you

    he flirts around you

    he stares at you

    he blushes around you

    okay so those are a few signs he might like you  

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